MA Leading Innovation and Change Accessing electronic resources at York St John University
How to get to the library site from my web browser From GoogleType library URL into browser & press enter Library homepage is displayed Type your terms eg: change management directly into the search box You will be prompted for your login details (YSJ username and password) Example of an article that is displayed. Click on PDF to view full text
Username for York St John should either be your visitor account for your induction period then the full account in the format firstname.surname eg: joe.bloggs Password is what you choose when you set up your York St John IT account Does it work for YSJ Moodle and ? Yes This username and password is correct for access to the electronic books and journals at YSJ, but you must access resources via York St John webpages at: Access via Discover (the library catalogue on the homepage) Type your search directly into the search box at the top of the screen. You will be prompted for your username and password Accessing other databases such as Emerald, Business source premier etc. Click on the resource you want to search. You will be prompted for your username and password No You need to check that both your username and password are correct. You can reset your password at: If this did not work, contact or for further Usernames, passwords and logging in
Your York St John username and password are correct but you still can’t access the electronic books and journals. Did you go via our webpages? Yes and I still can’t get to the full text of a particular electronic book or journal. You might have made a mistake with your search. Watch our online search demonstrations about ebooks and ejournals ebooksejournals There is a technical error linking to the resource via YSJ. Please let us know at and we will We haven’t got access to the resource via York St John. Please tell us if the item is on a reading list. No – I used another site eg: Google scholar, publisher’s website etc. Your YSJ username and password only gives you access to resources we have paid for via the YSJ website York St John might provide access to the journal you want via a different publisher from the one you have searched. Always check on our webpages. Username/password correct but still having problems
Where you find what Moodle Scanned chapters and journal articles on your reading lists York St John Library E-books, e-journals and databases – see next slide Robert Kennedy College Your lectures and presentations Tutors’ help & work assignments
PSYCInfo/articles: Abstracts and full text articles about work psychology Greenfile: Abstracts of articles about corporate social responsibility Business source premier Some full text and some abstracts of articles, reports etc., plus company profiles Emerald Full text journal articles in business and management Discover Library catalogue and gateway to our full text electronic books, journals etc. All YSJ full text books/articles/reports from the sources below and others should be accessible via this gateway Access this via the search box at top of the Library homepage Academic OneFile Infotrac Newspapers Journal articles will be retrieved via Discover but some magazines and all newspaper articles need to be searched for via the individual database Marketline International company, industry, country profiles Mintel UK market reports in the following categories: technology, e-commerce, travel, leisure and food. You must register your YSJ address on first use. Resources from York St John library
Online demonstration: Online demonstration: uk/tutorials/findingarti cles Online demonstration: /tutorials/Emerald/ Online demonstrations to help you