Spring 2015 Registration Pre-major Advising
Degree Audit ACADEMICS Degree Audit A Degree Audit can help students determine their course requirements and what classes they still need to take.
Degree Audit Still Needed? If there is an unfulfilled requirement, it will be listed on the Degree Audit as “Still Needed”.
Registration Resources ACADEMICS Click Registration Resources To access the registration menu, go to Registration Resources
Registration Menu Look Up Classes
Choose Select Course Search or Advanced Search
Look Up Classes CRN Number
Things to Remember While Looking Up Courses MWF the class will be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday TR the class will be held on Tuesday and Thursday Register for lab classes first Pay attention to class type (online or lecture) Some classes are closed to non-majors for the initial registration period
Registration Menu Registration Status
Registration Blocks You can be blocked for registration if you: Haven’t sent in your final transcripts Have not turned in your health records Have unpaid parking tickets Unpaid fines Haven’t finished Alcohol Edu Have not seen your advisor Only the department who gave the block can remove the block
Before you begin… Have your pin number ready Have your list of classes and or CRN numbers ready An open class will have a box beside of it A closed class will be listed as “C” AS YOU ADD, WRITE DOWN YOUR CLASSES
Log into the MyRU Portal and Click on the Academics Icon
When it is your time to register, click on the Register Now button.
Registration Menu Add or Drop
Select the term which you want to register (Wintermester , Spring 2015, or any of the Summer 2015 Terms) and Submit
Enter the PIN given to you by your Advisor or Advising Center and Submit.
Students are responsible for adhering to all payment, add/drop, and withdrawal deadlines as specified on the official academic calendar, in the catalog, and on the Student Accounts website. If you agree to the information contained in the acknowledgement, hit Accept.
If you know the CRNs for the sections you want to add, enter them in the boxes and hit Submit Changes, or to search for Sections, click on Class Search.
To search for sections, click on Advanced Search.
The Advanced Search allows you to search based on various criteria. You can highlight all of the subjects to search for everything or select one subject. You can click and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select multiple (but not all) subjects. You can search by: 1) Course Number 2) Credit Hour Range (for example: to look for a 2 credit hour class, put 2 in both boxes: 2 hours to 2 hours). 3) Campus (Distance Learning indicates entirely online) 4) Course Attributes (Honor’s Academy Sections, Scholar- Citizen, and Study Abroad) 5) Start and End Times and Days of the week After selecting your criteria, hit Section Search
**Web Registered** indicates you successfully registered for the class. Click on Class Search to continue looking and registering for classes. If you decide to drop a class, under Action, change to Web Drop and submit changes. Please note students cannot drop the last or only class for which they are registered. Add a different class you do plan to take, and then you can drop the class you want to drop. If you are no longer going to attend RU, please contact the Registrar’s Office right away.
Errors Prerequisite Errors Class Restriction (check the catalog for Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing requirements): Please note sophomore standing (26 earned hours) is required to take courses numbered 300 or higher.
Closed Section: Class has reached fire code maximum: Field of Study Restrictions-section may be reserved for certain majors or minors until November 17 th. You should also check the catalog if the class always restricted to certain majors/minors.
Time conflict with classes you have already registered for: Special Approval Required for a Section (Department Chair, Core Director or Instructor): If you get the Previous Credit Awarded error, please see your Advisor or contact the Registrar’s Office.
Things to Remember After Registration Advisors can not force add you into a closed class. Students must contact the department chair. Students will have from January 19 th to January 26 th to add or drop a class.