Engineering and Applied Science Tribunal Jan 13 th, 2014 General Meeting
Tribunal Officers President:Mason Stout Vice President:Open Associate Vice President:Nathan Ball Treasurer:John Lewnard Secretary:Lauren Seibert Senators: Andrew Griggs Hannah Kenny
Tribunal Executives Career Fair: Tim Schafermeyer, Andrew Griggs Collegiate Affairs:Chris Kleiman EWeek:Maggy Zorc, Alison Hayfer FELD:John Lewnard Luau:Chris Katuscak Recognition:Ken Okoye Public Affairs:Courtney Bills SOCC:Caleb Amstutz Special Events:Scott Blincoe Technology:Tim Schafermeyer
Meeting Agenda Presentation by Bearcat Motorsports Vice President Nominations How to get involved
Bearcat Motorsports fundraiser Saturday, January 18, :00am – 10:00am Full Throttle Indoor Karting (75/275 Interchange) 8 Minute Race $15
VP nomination Ryan Evers Scott Blincoe Alison Hayfer Shy Ruparel
Officer Reports
Senator’s Report Senators: Andrew Griggs Hannah Kenny UC NightRide greatly expanded Election packets for slates & at-large senators will be out Monday, January 20 –Available in Tribunal office (652 Baldwin) and SG office (655 Steger) New Go-Charge stations coming soon –Langsam Library, Dining Halls, AACRC?
Committee Reports
Interest/Questions? us at Chairs: Maggy Zorc Alison Hayfer - Engineering Week is a nationally recognized week dedicated to the positive contribution of engineers - Celebrated every year at UC! Events include: → EWeek Team Events → Engineering Blood Drive → Date Auction → Banquet and Award Ceremony Under the Sea! February 16-22, 2014
Interest/Questions? us at Chairs: Maggy Zorc Alison Hayfer -Sign up forms are now active on the Tribunal Website -Date Auction Entry forms due at 5pm on Jan 29 th -Date Auction Proceeds form due at 5pm on Jan 29 th -Team and Event Sign-ups due 5pm on Feb 5 th -EWeek Banquet will be on February 22 nd at the Newport Aquarium -Ticket sales will be Feb Transportation provided to and from Newport -Talk to us after the meeting for info on how you can help!
Recognition Professor and TA of the Semester nominations –Due April 9 th Outstanding Senior Awards – Applications available NOW! Featured Student Groups Look for Recognition Committee announcements on the Ebullet! Need people to serve on recognition committee. –Read POTS and TAOTS nominations help select winner. Read scholarship applications. Help choose Outstanding Seniors. Help with keeping records and publicizing our winners. –MINIMUM commitment. Easy committee requirement! Chair: Ken Okoye
SOCC Student Organization Photo Contest –Photos and descriptions due by Feb. 10 th Send to –Uploaded to CEAS Facebook page on Feb. 11 th –Last day to “like” photos is Feb. 21 st –Winner gets free pizza at their next meeting
Special Events Spring Intramurals! Based on feedback, will form two teams: –Coed 7 v 7 Soccer in Gettler Stadium –Coed 10 player Kickball on Sheakley Field Expect an in coming days for sign-ups –Only sign-up if you can make the commitment Will create additional teams if needed Scott Blincoe: – –Phone:
FELD First meeting: –Thursday, January 16 –7:30pm – 8:30pm –643 Baldwin (this is a different room from last time) –Free Pizza! –We will discuss our plans for this semester, and anything else the group wants as well. Even if you haven’t come to a FELD meeting before, feel free to stay for part or the whole time! with questions or to be added to the FELD Mailing President: Dane Sowers
Next Meeting January 27 th, 2013 Location: 525 Old Chem 5:30 PM Visit us at our office – 652 Baldwin (513)