Introducing the South African Pilates Association Established 2011
What is SAPA? The South African Pilates Association (SAPA) is a non-profit, professional association that is dedicated to the teachings of Joseph and Clara Pilates SAPA represents the South African Pilates community, promoting quality, evidence- based education and professional conduct SAPA exists to support instructors, students, business and the public and to foster integrity, respect and diversity in the growth of the Pilates Method in SA
Why do we need an association? All industries need a collective voice – SAPA is that voice for Pilates It is healthy for us to chart our own course forward. We have been taken seriously by the government and its subsidiaries We need to ensure quality education and quality professional practice in order to maintain a good reputation
What is Quality Education in Pilates? The education provider needs to be accredited in SOUTH AFRICA Affiliations with international Pilates education companies are encouraged but this does not negate the need for local accreditation Accredited means that the provider has made an application to the relevant accrediting body – THETA/CATHSSETA The content of the Pilates course that is provided must meet minimum education standards that are benchmarked against international education standards All the REPs organisations (members of ICREPS)have researched these minimum standards
The SAPA Board Members Chairperson - Theo van der Riet - BASI Pilates Vice-Chairperson - James Raaff - James Raaff & Associates Secretary - Sandra van den Bergh - Classical Pilates Treasurer (Acting) - Theo van der Riet PR & Marketing - Tanya Thompson - Pilates Unlimited Education & CPD - Gerda Miller - Healthy Living Education Fitness Board Rep - Anita Vos - Pilatesinfo Membership Admin - Lisa Schneider - Trifocus Pilates Ethics & Standards - Theo van der Riet; Kyrie Hardiman - PilatesHere
Who do we represent? Any student currently training to become a Pilates instructor Any Pilates instructor Any studio owner Any Pilates course provider
What do we do? We are a non-statutory, professional body for Pilates in South Africa We are a Section 21 (non-profit) organization We represent the public and professional Pilates community in South Africa We assisted REPSSA in determining minimum educational standards for Pilates in South Africa
What do we do? We protect the public against sub-standard instructors We provide advice and support in legislative and statutory matters We provide recognition for accredited education providers and qualified instructors We protect students from non-accredited and sub-standard education providers
What do we do? We represent Pilates instructors at a national level in terms of regulations, accreditation, lawful adherence and communication with other statutory bodies We subscribe to a code of conduct and ethics We maintain regular communication through our newsletter subscription
REPSSA and SAPA SAPA is the Pilates arm of REPSSA SAPA assists REPSSA in all things Pilates in South Africa SAPA manages the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) system for Pilates – accrediting short courses, workshops and other learning activities that meet certain minimum standards SAPA does not accredit courses that result in qualifications. (CATHSSETA plays this role)
How long do Pilates Instructors have to comply with REPSSA? We all have until 31 March 2012 to become a SAPA member You will need to follow these steps…
How to register STEP 1: Subscribe to SAPA’s free newsletter (if you haven’t already). This way we will be able to communicate any news, updates and relevant info STEP 2: From 1 October 2011 subscribers will be able to upgrade to member status STEP 3: Register with REPSSA by 31 March SAPA will detail how to use your SAPA membership to do this and receive a valuable discount
REPSSA’s timeline REPSSA will allow a Pilates instructor certified by any education provider to register as a provisional member, with immediate effect (for a period of grace ending 31 March 2012) Each provisional member will have 12 months from date of registration to comply with all REPSSA’s requirements
REPSSA’s requirements An educational qualification in Pilates from an accredited provider A nationally accredited certificate in Exercise Science Compliance with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) System for Fitness Professionals Adequate professional indemnity insurance (R1m) and public liability insurance (R1m) A valid certificate in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Exercise Science requirement Pilates used the words “physical fitness” in the first line of the booklet and this is the central theme in the first three paragraphs (Pilates’ Return to Life Through Contrology, 1945) He alludes to a “stroll in the fresh air” as a “haphazard and wholly inadequate body- building technique” that fails modern mans’ attempt “in the aquirement of physical fitness!”
Exercise Science requirement Pilates is a mode of exercise There is a clear requirement for instructors to have knowledge of the scientific principles that govern exercise of all kinds All the REPs organizations internationally include ExSci in their minimum requirements If you need more info on an accredited ExSci course providers, please contact SAPA
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) This is a system that ensures qualified Pilates instructors maintain their skill levels CPD activities are opportunities to acquire continuing education credits (CEC’s). Normally 1 hour = 1 CEC
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Workshops, seminars, educational classes and conferences are all examples of CPD activities that can be accredited REPSSA requires 12 CEC’s annually SAPA accredits CPD activities for Pilates
What has SAPA done so far? SAPA has signed an agreement with REPSSA. Together we provide support to the local profession and offer the largest global recognition for accredited qualifications in fitness (incl Pilates) SAPA board members have kept up to date with the legislative changes in the fitness industry for the past few years SAPA has made constructive comment to government regarding the current Draft Fitness Regulations in order to protect and support the growth of Pilates in SA
…more of SAPA’s duties SAPA chairperson and other board members attended the official Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) presentation at the 2011 Discovery Fitness Convention, where they participated in a discussion regarding the imminent regulation changes and the establishment of the Fitness Board SAPA chairperson has attended further official constructive meetings with SRSA subsequent to their Discovery Convention presentations
…more of SAPA’s duties SAPA board members attended official meetings with the Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Education and Training Authority (THETA/CATHSSETA) SAPA board members attended official workshops held by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the registration of professional bodies and the registration of professional designations in SA. REPSSA / SAPA has submitted an application to SAQA to become a pilot professional body for fitness in SA
Social media How to stay involved
THANK YOU BASI – Theo van der Riet Linda Halliday SAQA, SRSA and THETA/CATHSSETA Anita Vos and Scott Schreuder - REPSSA All SAPA board members for tirelessly volunteering their time and effort All subscribers – please see if you qualify to become a member. Ask us how if you are unsure. We serve you