Codes & Coding An ACEware Presentation
The Big Picture Coding Rules Adding Codes Preferences Interest vs Subject Codes Occupation vs Organization Source vs Tracking Code Reporting Code Cleanup Mass Coding Today’s Agenda
To help you record data about an individual, course or registration What is coding? All codes have one purpose
Why? To help guide your course offerings Pull only the names you want Improve marketing ROI Etc… ad nauseum … Con’t …
Why? To help you better serve your customers, clients, & students
Code for a Purpose! If you have no reason for a code… Don’t Code It!
Coding Rules! * Technically, any field is a “code” We mostly think of “Codes” as validated fields (Interest code, tracking code, coordinator, department, account) Unlimited number of code definitions Student (& Faculty) Interest & Course Grouping can have unlimited codes Codes are universal (everyone sees & uses the same codes) Most codes can be de-activated
The magical (dis)appearing codes… Now you see them……
The magical (dis)appearing codes… Now you don’t……
Preferences Preferences matter! If a field is turned off, no one will be able to use it Remember: Black preferences = may be set per user Blue Preferences = Global
shares the same list of codes Interest Code = Names Subject Code = Courses entering a subject code (0n Course) generates an interest code (on the Name) Interest codes & Subject codes are related!
If you’re not going to do any other coding... Assign a subject code to every course Subject Code
Why? Because any student who enrolls in that class will automatically inherit that interest code
Shucks… It’s better than having a Rich uncle with a bad heart….
Code Design Tips Create as many codes as you want, but only as many as you’ll use Use as many available characters that you need for clarity Consider a major/minor reference system EDUC+ADM = Education / Administration EDUC+K12 = Education / K through 12 DANC+LNE = Line Dance DANC+BAL = Ballroom Dance DANC+SAL = Salsa Dancing DANC+BEL = Belly Dancing
WTC Is that code Worth The Calories?
Adding Codes (2 ways) Module / Codes
Adding Codes (2 ways) Clicking the plus sign to the left of the field opens the Universal Code Editor NOTE: the ability to add codes-on-the-fly requires a Minimum Power rating of 4
Adding Codes (2 ways) Clicking the plus sign to the left of the field opens the Universal Code Editor NOTE: the ability to add codes-on-the-fly requires a Minimum Power rating of 4
Editing/Changing Codes Pay Attention to Adding v.s. Editing
Editing/Changing Codes Make sure you don’t end Up like this poor kid…
But Chuck, we haven’t been coding! You can add a course subject code “after the fact”. If you assign a class (with existing registrations) a new (“virgin” or a second) code, Student Manager asks if you wish to assign that code to all students in the class.
Coding Tip! You can view a list of names and courses associated with a particular interest code View all names that have the interest code View all courses that have the interest code
Coding Tip! This is just handy as heck….
Coding Tip! You can view a list of names and courses associated with a particular interest code A check indicates a field is active
Turning Data into Info Reports / Statistics / Names / Demographic Summary
Turning Data into Info
Mailing Labels Query = People with Interest Code
Other Codes
Source / Tracking Codes Source code is on the name screen and tells you where you found this person
Source / Tracking Codes Tracking code on the registration screen tells you what marketing piece prompted this person to register in this class
Source / Tracking Codes Source and Tracking codes share the same list of choices You may only assign one source code per name and one tracking code per registration (but a different tracking code for every registration) The purpose of the Source Code is to find out how that name got into your data. The purpose of the Tracking Code is to find out how the participant heard about that specific course Which gives you some Rock Star Marketing Statistics.
Source / Tracking Codes Give you Rock Star Marketing Data
Occupation & Organization Type of job person holds (ie police officer, nurse)
Occupation & Organization Type of organization where person works (ie: education, manufacturing
Occupation & Organization Type of organization where person works (ie: education, manufacturing
Interest Codes Again… Make all you want.. Target interests Track Mailing Lists Track Expiration of Certifications
Membership Codes We have a webinar on that… See the webinar archives… Or consult the SM On line help
Re-purposing Codes What if I don’t want to use occupation or organization?
Make Radar Proud… Cross out Machine Gun….. Write in “Incubator”
Repurpose Occupation & Organization NEW ! ! !
Code Reporting Code Cleanup Mass Coding Re-Visiting Coding
Code Reporting Remember! You can also view codes from the Edit Codes screen
Code Cleanup
Mass Coding This needs a demo!
Re-Thinking Codes Codes support your mission If your mission changes/evolves Your codes should also change
Catalog: The module that keeps on giving… Tuesday, Nov 22 nd, 10:30 am Catalog: The module that keeps on giving… Tuesday, Nov 22 nd, 10:30 am Next Webinar…
Next Webinar: CATALOG: The module that keeps on giving… Tuesday, Nov 22 nd, 10:30 am REMEMBER..Fill out your Evaluation as you leave Next Webinar: CATALOG: The module that keeps on giving… Tuesday, Nov 22 nd, 10:30 am REMEMBER..Fill out your Evaluation as you leave Questions ?? ?