Jean Pierre Wilken Professor of Participation, Care and Support HU Utrecht University for Applied Sciences, Netherlands Visiting Professor Tallinn University President CARe Europe Tallinn January 16 th 2014
1.Introduction: history of CARe and my personal profile 2.Basic principles of CARe methodology 3.Working with clients + tools 4.Questions and dialogue
Developed in the Netherlands since 1987 on the basis of insights from the US, UK and other countries. Dynamic: continuously adapting new scientific insights; developing applications for specific groups. Broad theoretical and evidence base Used in different countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania etc.)
2011; fourth print
(1) Motivating factors Reinforcing powers for recovery; e.g. self-confidence, striving for autonomy (3) Competencies Skills to cope with the disease and the environment, to take care of yourself (4) Social participation and integration Changing the social status (5) Resources Support for recovery (2) Reconstructing identity
Ingredients: Access to needed services (medical; social) Individual / personal support of professionals Good information Treatment and rehabilitation services tuned to the phase of the recovery process: stabilisation, reorientation and reintegration
Phases and overall goals in a recovery process Phases of a recovery process StabilisationReorientationReintegrationStabilisation (at an integrated level) Getting control and balance * Coming to terms with life events and disabilities * Investigating present position and future perspective * Making choices * Setting goals Obtaining a desired situation (following your choice and realising your goals) Maintaining the balance; Keeping the desired situation
Recovery and professional care Phases of a recovery process and professional interventions Stabilisation (following onset of disease/crisis) ReorientationReintegration Assessment * Medical and psychological status * Needs and preferences * Biography * Personal strengths * Future orientation * Wishes and goals * Social network resources * Material resources Interventions * Medication * Safe environment * CBT * Personal support * Personal support – counselling * Psychotherapy * Training in illness management * Personal support to live, work, learn, socialise etc. * Making resources available
Relationships on a personal level with people who: See me as a whole human being Whom I can trust Who stay with me Who think from a future, hopeful perspective Who really listen to me, who take my experiences seriously (so I can create my own life story) Who help me with: to deal with my vulnerability Re discover myself Become a member of the world
Attitude and focus of professionals: Equality, partnership, acceptation, understanding and empathy, hope and confidence Belief that recovery is possible Persisting and consistent support Acting directed to recovery and empowerment Holistic approach: the whole human being
An attitude: friendly support: with respect, equivalence, emphasizing the personhood, abilities and self-direction of the client. A method or technique: A systematic way of providing effective support. An organizational concept: creating ‘enabling environments’. A critical theory and practice: matters of human rights; exclusion; stigma; inhuman treatment etc.
Combines: 1.Building a relationship with a client (dialogue; partnership) 2.Providing individual support for recovery, vulnerability and participation 3.Working with the client and the environment
individualhealth/behaviourprotection professional care Traditional care model institution
clinical based community based disability/diseaserecovery (clinical + personal + social) professional experiential knowledge
social network (natural support) individual (self support) professional care and support (professional support) community resources participation in the community Support model
psychosocial rehabilitation = support for recovery, participation and social inclusion
-horizontal relationship -partnership – collaboration -positive focus -focus on strengths with preservation of vulnerability -focus on social roles, communities/networks
1.Focus on Presence 2.Focus on Strengths 3.Focus on Recovery CARe: three basic principles
Recovery requires a different relationship between the people who use services and the people who provide them Not just ‘involving’ service users, but ‘learning together’, working in partnership Emphasis on quality of life Identify people’ s priorities Recognising what people have in common, rather than what divides them Professional as a resource (coach, mentor, mediator) rather than as the ‘expert’. Clients are experts of their own life!
Experience: this has happened to me Knowledge about my experience: I can put my experiences into a framework: understanding what happened, giving meaning to my experiences Expert knowledge based on experience: I can use my experience and that of my peers to help others (peers and professionals) (working as a certified peer worker or peer specialist)
Different and therefore complimentary Also persons trained as professional have personal experiences and knowledge (and should use this!) By working together you can use mutual knowledge and experience!
1. Focus on Presence: making a connection, attentive closeness, giving acknowledgement, personal contact as valuable support 2. Focus on Strengths: reinforcing talents and possibilities, using resources 3. Focus on Recovery: helping to deal with vulnerability, developing identity, supporting participation Three basic principles of CARe
1.Hope and optimism as a basic attitude. People have the ability to recover 2.Being present, being there for the other. The relationship is essential: ‘care embedded in a relationship’ 3.Alleviate suffering and help restoring control and autonomy 4.The client is the director: stay attuned to the perception and motivation of the person 5.Modest and cautious way of using professional expertise
6.The own story of the client is the most important Acknowledge and use lived experience 7.The focus is on strengths and not on deficits 8.Significant others as partners and resources 9.The community is an oasis of (potential) resources 10.Natural resources first, specialised services as little as possible
The Power of words
Changing to a language (and behaviour) of recovery and inclusion examples and exercise
◦ I am (personality qualities) ◦ I wish (dreams, goals) ◦ I have (resources, supports) ◦ I know (experiences) ◦ I can (talents and skills)
CARe Strengths Matrix I wantI can I am I haveI know
Find the five kinds of strengths in each other: name an example of all five: ◦ I am (personality qualities) ◦ I wish (dreams, goals) ◦ I have (resources, supports) ◦ I know (experiences) ◦ I can (talents and skills)
A Personal Profile: inventory of wishes, possibilities and experiences A Personal Plan Option generator
(Help) making a Personal Profile What are important wishes (passion ) (make goals out of it) Generate options using personal and environmental possibilities Best options in Personal Plan (Helping) working on plan Building a relationship Inventory of wishes and possibilities, client and environment, past and present Activities and tasks in to do list Monitor the process, learn, evaluate ad adjust If necessary a Personal Support Plan
PERSONAL PROFILE Name: Current possibilities and experiences Wishes and ambitions Possibilities and experiences in the past Housing Working Learning - Education Recreation – Leisure Health Personal (self)care (incl. finances) Relationships Meaningfulness Which wishes are the most important for me?
It helps revealing possibilities and experiences and especially experiences of success. It helps creating (deeper, more) understanding It helps developing the relationship It helps the client to create an overview It helps the client to see him/her self again as a person who matters: Identity
Together, client alone, with significant persons Everything is connected to possiblities and experiences In the clients words and 'language‘ Key words, short sentences
A short interview using the Personal Profile In pairs: A interviews B using the Personal Profile Speak with some one you don’t know or you haven’t seen for a long time 15 minutes (no role reverse)
Helps to see a lot of possibilities Helps to make choices Helps to identify the best options These options become part of the plan
OPTION GENERATOR © J.P. Wilken and D. den Hollander (2011; after Rapp en Gosha, 2006) Goal: OptionsAdvantagesDisadvantages Best option: Second best option:
Exercise with generating options: Goal: Oliver wants to start a recovery group, in which people can exchange experiences and support each other. How, where, when? etc.
PERSONAL PLAN Name: Date: What I want to achieve (goal): Specific steps or activities to reach this What I do myselfWhat others do When I want this goal to be achieved Date when I actually achieved this goal Notes
PERSONAL SUPPORT PLAN Name client: Name professional: Date: What does the client need at this time in his/her life? What I want to achieve (goal): What I do to support the client What colleagues and others do to support the client Notes
It increases the chances of successful experiences It stimulates movement It helps client and professional to work together on meaningful concrete activities and tasks It provides hope because it is aimed at real and desired goals
Together, client alone, with significant persons As a to-do list As a working agenda, which will be used in almost every contact Flexible, adjust whenever necessary Celebrate successes
We can work on recovery in every situation and with every client