ObservationExplanation charcoal when burnt turns to ashes, water vapor, fireMade of earth, water, lots of phlogiston candles, wood EWPPP E+W+PPP (Modern chemistry: carbon combines with o2 yielding co2) fire in a confined space won’t last Space becomes “saturated” w phlogiston. Air becomes “fixed”. (O2 exhausted) metallic ore mixed with charcoal and heated, it burns and produces other metals Phlogiston is released and attaches to ore Metal is E+P Look, it’s shiny and bright, and sulfuric acid brings it back out. EE (ore) + EWPPP (charcoal) EEPP+E+W+P (metal, ash, water vapor, phlogiston) calcination (rusting) rusting iron turns to reddish brown dust slow burning E left behind EEPP(metal) EE(rust)+PP(phlogiston)