221 Scholars Hall
What is it? The Writing Center is a place for: All writers. Have someone else look at your writing; even if you think you are doing well, it can be a big help. All stages of writing. You can visit even when you haven’t even written anything. All types of writing. We help with everything, from academic to personal.
What do we do? We will help you: Organize your ideas. Create introductions and conclusions. Understand your assignment. Identify a focus. Make your ideas more clear. Document sources. Learn to identify and fix grammar and punctuation errors. Avoid plagiarism. With any writing assistance you would like.
How does it work? Make an appointment. Call, , or stop by. Walk-in. If someone is available, then we’ll help you. For a guaranteed spot, make an appointment. Fill out a simple sheet with your info. Sit down and talk with a reader. Appointment lengths vary, but 25 minutes is average. You’ll have a casual conversation about your writing.
Who are the readers? All backgrounds and experiences. Recommended by ENG 111 and 112 instructors for: Writing ability. Communication skills. Knowledge. Participate in training, mentoring, and on-going education.
Hours Monday 9:00 - 5:00 Tuesday9:00 - 6:00 Wednesday9:00 - 6:00 Thursday9:00 - 5:00 Friday9:00 - 3:00 If these hours won’t work, come talk with us and we’ll see what else we can do to help.
New Location There is another Writing Center at the Aero Park campus. Located in the Learning Center, room 206. Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 – 2:00 Call with questions.
Contact Info 221 Scholars Hall Facebook: Northwestern Michigan College Writing Center Twitter: NMCWrtCenter Delicious: NMCWritingCenter
221 Scholars Hall