Data, Insights and Emerging Themes: A Review and Discussion of the State of Associations
Relevance John Stoiber Senior Vice President & Chief Executive, SmithBucklin Business Trade Industry Practice
Discussion Questions In the past year, has your governing board talked about the relevance of your organization to your members? If so, what were your conclusions? How does your organization assess the relevance of your programs and services? How could you do it?
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Governance David Schmahl Senior Vice President & Chief Executive, SmithBucklin Healthcare & Scientific Industry Practice
Discussion Questions What has your board done in the past 12 months to improve its performance? What are the risks associated with assessing and committing to improve board performance? Are any of them substantial?
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Communication Technology Carolyn Faehling Dolezal Senior Vice President & Chief Executive, SmithBucklin Technology Industry Practice
Discussion Questions What has your organization done to utilize social media? What could you do to more effectively utilize social media? Why haven’t you?
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Meetings Brad Weaber Executive Vice President, SmithBucklin Event Services
Discussion Questions In what ways are your meetings and events being affected by the factors outlined in Kristen’s report? What is your organization doing to respond to those affects? Why haven’t you?
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