The Armor of God Based on Ephesians 6:10-17 Presentation by Stacy Hagler Free use for ministry purposes is permitted. Not to be distributed for profit.
It seemed like Ted was always in trouble. He tried his hardest to make good choices, but is was always easier to make bad decisions.
When his mom said clean your room, he’d play his video game. When his dad said rake the leaves, he’d play in the sandbox.
One afternoon Ted went to visit his grandmother. As the were sitting on the front porch, Ted began to tell his grandmother about how he was always in trouble.
After Ted was finished, Grandma said, “I know what you need…you need some Armor!” “Armor?” Ted asked excitedly. “Isn’t that what soldiers wear?”, Ted said, jumping out of his chair. “Yes, Ted, but not any type of armor, you need the armor of God!”
Ted knew, by the twinkle in her eye, grandma had something fun to share. Grandma slid out of her rocker And went into the house. As she walked into the living room you could hear the old wooden floors creaking beneath her feet. Next, he heard some rustling, and then a loud, THUMP!
When grandma made it back outside. She was sliding a rectangular shaped bag across the floor. Ted was so anxious to see what was inside he could hardly wait.
Grandma slid back into her rocker, and reached down deep into the bag. Out she pulled a Long, stringy belt. “This is your belt of truth,” she said as she strapped an enormously big belt around his waist. “This belt will help you remember the truth, and to tell the truth.” “Jesus always told the truth!”
This time grandma reached in with both hands and pulled out two dirty flip-flops. Ted stepped into each one and squeezed his toes between the wedge. “These are your sandals of readiness, you must always be ready to go share the good news about Jesus to anyone!”she said.
Next grandma reached in and pulled out a vest that was fringed around the edges. “This is your breastplate of righteousness,” she said will pride in her voice. “It will protect your heart and remind you that Jesus is always with you.”
The next object grandma pulled out of the bag was large, and clanged around in the bag. She pulled it out by it’s side and grabbed it by the handle. “This is your shield of faith, it will help you remember that Jesus is our Savior and He can protect you from all your enemies.”
There was a large lump in the bag that looked like a turtle shell. Grandma pulled it out and placed it on his head. It was something Ted had often played with. Brown and green blotches were stretched perfectly over every curve of grandpa’s old army helmet. “This is your helmet of salvation, this protects your mind, and helps you to remember what Jesus did on the Cross for our sins.”
By now the bag seemed flat and empty, but grandma reached in once more. Out she pulled a long flat stick. Something that startled him at first, because it was what grandpa would whip him with if he said a dirty word. Grandma placed it in Ted’s hand and said, “this is your sword of the spirit, it will give you knowledge, and remind you to read the bible.”
At that point Ted felt strong and bold. He sliced his sword through the air and heard it quickly whip in the wind.Grandma sat there in stillness for a moment with her eyes closed.Then grandma extended her arm to embrace his shoulder.Quietly she whispered in his ear, “There is one more thing that you’re missing from your armor.”
For the last time grandma reached into the bag and pulled out a small, round, smooth stone. She rolled it around in her hands for a second and then slipped it into my pocket. “This my child, is your pocket full of prayer, it will remind you to pray often.”
With Ted fully covered in his armor of God he was ready to take on any evil that came is way! Obeying God is tough without the armor of God, but with it nothing was impossible for Ted.
…take up the full armor of God, so that you may resist in the evil day... Ephesians 6:13 Clipart and photos from msn.clipart.