Overview of the P.R.A.Y. Curriculum The P.R.A.Y. Program Overview of the P.R.A.Y. Curriculum
Remember! The P.R.A.Y. Program is created for Protestant and Independent Christian Churches This presentation is specifically on the Protestant Christian series Each religion creates its own curriculum Each religion creates its own guidelines Remember, the information shared in this presentation is strictly for the Protestant and Independent Christian Program
Sample listing of denominations Here is a sample listing of denominations: AME ● AME Zion ● Assemblies of God ● Baptist ● Church of God ● Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) ● CME ● Episcopal ● Lutheran ● Nazarene ● Pentecostal ● Presbyterian ● Reformed ● UCC ● United Methodist Church ● and nondenominational congregations
Overview of the P.R.A.Y. Program Created by the churches For boys and girls in grades 1-12 Young people do not need to belong to a Scouting agency Young people do not need to have official membership in the congregation Clergy reviews the work and signs it off
Program Summaries God and Me, grades 1-3 God and Family, grades 4-5 God and Church, grades 6-8 God and Life, grades 9-12
Program Summary: God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Me is the first program in the P.R.A.Y. series. It is for boys and girls in grades 1-3. Children will tell their story (maybe even discover their story) of “God and Me” together.
God and Me Grades 1-3 Theme: “Best Friends with Jesus” Hands-On: GAMEBox Memory Requirement: The Lord’s Prayer Schedule: minimum 4 sessions The theme for this program is “Best Friends with Jesus.” Children will make a GAMEBox, and after each Bible lesson, they will make a game that reinforces the lesson. They will play these games with their families. The memory requirement is the Lord’s prayer. A typical schedule for the God and Me program is 4 to 6 sessions, depending if you want to include an introductory session or a party at the end.
God and Me Grades 1-3 Table of Contents: Lesson 1: God Created Me Lesson 2: Jesus Is God’s Gift to Me Lesson 3: I can Talk with God Lesson 4: Because God Cares for Me, I Can Care for Others The table of contents lists the four lessons: The first lesson is “God Created Me”. Children will read the story of creation and marvel at God’s creativity, and learn that they are special to God and made in his image. The creation story is paired with the passage from Isaiah that says “Fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name, you are mine!” We want kids to know how special they are to God, and when they do, then our response is to praise God. The last activity is writing a Song of Praise. Lesson 2 is “Jesus is God’s Gift to me.” How much does God love you? God loves you so much he gives us Jesus. Children will read the Christmas story and tell parallel stories: Jesus was born n Bethlehem, I was born in St Paul. Jesus’s mother was Mary. My mother is MOM. Jesus becomes alive as a real live person. The Christmas story is paired with John 3:16 to show us that Jesus was born to be our savior. What do we need to be saved from? How does Jesus save us? How is Jesus the most wonderful gift of all? These are questions that we delve into in lesson 2. The third lesson is a wonderful lesson on prayer to teach children “I can talk with God.” We read the story of Samuel, and how God talks to a young boy. We also read about a time when Jesus is missing and the disciples finally find him in a solitary place and what is he doing? He is praying. And the disciples ask, Lord teach us to pray. And we read the Lord’s prayer. The last lesson is about the good shepherd and the story of Zacchaeus to help children know that “Because God Cares for Me, I can care for others.” Jesus is not a best friend that we keep to ourselves. We tell others about Jesus by caring for them!
God and Me: Prayer Cube Favorite lesson: The lesson on prayer Kids use P-A-T-H* to learn four parts of prayer and they make a prayer cube. * Praise - Apology - Thanks - Help A favorite lesson is the lesson on prayer. They use the acronym “PATH” to learn four parts of prayer and they make a prayer cube for their gamebox. Path stands for: (praise, apology, thanks, help) P.R.A.Y. is a PATH to keep us close to God.
God and Me: Award Red is the color for the God and Me program. Red symbolizes love and the blood of Christ. When children wear the recognition, they are reminded that they are “Best Friends with Jesus.” Red is the color for the God and Me program. Red symbolizes love and the blood of Christ. When children wear the recognition, they are reminded that they are “Best friends with Jesus.”
Program Summary: God and Family (grades 4-5) God and Family is the second program in the P.R.A.Y. series. It is for boys and girls in grades 4 & 5. This program is an opportunity for young people and their families to explore their faith together.
God and Family: Grades 4-5 Theme: “Growing in God’s Love” Hands-on: PIZZA Memory Requirement: The Ten Commandments Schedule: minimum 6 sessions The theme is “Growing in God’s Love” and this is our “pizza” program. Children will compare the layers of a pizza to the layers of a family and learn about God’s plan to grow strong families. The memory requirement is the Ten Commandments. A typical schedule will include 6 to 8 sessions.
God and Family: Grades 4-5 Table of Contents Crust – Foundation – We Are God’s Family Sauce – Family Heritage, Spiritual Heritage Toppings – Our Talents and Gifts Strengthen Our Families Cheese – In God’s Family We’re Loved No Matter What! Because We’re Loved, We Follow Rules Bake – Being in God’s Family Helps Us When Things Are Tough Eat, Share, Enjoy! – In God’s Family, We Share as a Response to God’s Love The table of contents lists the 6 layers or steps to making a pizza.
God and Family: Grades 4-5 Favorite activity: making a real pizza! The hands down favorite activity, is making (and eating) a real pizza!
God and Family: Award Yellow is the color for the God and Family program. Yellow symbolizes sunlight and joy. When children wear the recognition, they are reminded of the joy and blessings of family as they seek to “Grow in God’s Love.” Yellow is the color for the God and Family program. Yellow symbolizes sunlight and joy. When children wear the recognition, they are reminded of the joy and blessings of family as they seek to “Grow in God’s Love”
Program Summary: God and Church (grades 6-8) God and Church is the third program in the P.R.A.Y. series. It is for young people in grades 6-8. Students will have the opportunity to work with their pastor or other Christian adult as they study the church's history/organization/structure and objectives and participate in service projects that will give them a better understanding of the mission of the church.
God and Church: Grades 6-8 Theme: “My Journey with Christ” Hands-on: Video or Photo Album Memory Requirement: Creed Schedule: minimum 12 sessions Daily Bible Reading Requirement: 3 weeks min. Service Projects: Community and Church service projects The theme is “My Journey with Christ.” The hands-on component is either a video or a photo album that young people will make as part of their journey. The memory requirement is a creed or passage of scripture. A typical schedule will include 12 sessions. Students have a Daily Bible Reading requirement (3 weeks minimum) as well as service projects to the community and church.
God and Church: Grades 6-8 Table of Contents Unit I - My Journey: Meeting Christ Unit II - My Journey: Worshiping God Unit III - My Journey: Witnessing and Ministering for Christ The program begins with a unit on Jesus because Christ is the head of the church. Students have to know Jesus in order to know the church. Unit 2 is on worshiping God (students will study how Jesus worshiped, then look at how their congregation worships, and then be challenged to get involved in some aspect of leading worship) Unit 3 is on witnessing and ministering for Christ (students will study how Jesus witnessed and ministered, then look at how their congregation does it, and then be challenged to get involved in a project that will witness and minister in a meaningful way to others.)
God and Church: Grades 6-8 God and Church is often incorporated into confirmation programs. Special consideration must be made when teaching multi-denominations in one class. This is the only level that has denominational pins. A few comments that pertain specifically to this level: God and Church is often incorporated into confirmation programs. Remember, these awards may be presented to both Scouts and nonScouts alike. ALL church youth may participate and be recognized. Special consideration must be made when teaching multi-denominations in a one class. Certain lessons (like the ones on denominational history or congregational structure) must be completed within the child’s home congregation, or pastors can be invited to these lessons and share in a panel discussion. This is the only level that offers denominational pins. As the name implies, “God and Church” requires young people to study their church and denomination, so this is the level where denominational pins are available. These pins may be worn by themselves or pinned in the ribbon of the medallion.
God and Church: Grades 6-8 Favorite activities: Making videos Learning about their own congregations Interviewing clergy Visiting other churches Favorite activities include Making videos Learning about their own congregations Interviewing clergy Visiting other churches
God and Church: Award Blue is the color for the God and Church program. Blue symbolizes loyalty and truth. When young people wear the recognition, they are challenged to uphold these values as they continue a lifetime “Journey with Christ.” Blue is the color for the God and Church program It symbolizes loyalty and truth. When young people wear the recognition, they are challenged to uphold these values as they continue their lifetime “Journey with Christ.”
Program Summary: God and Life (grades 9-12) The final program in the P.R.A.Y. series is God and Life. It is for young people in grades 9-12. Young people in BSA’s Venturing program are also eligible to earn this award.
God and Life: Grades 9-12 Theme: “Called by Christ to Serve Daily Bible Reading Requirement: 3 months minimum Schedule: minimum 12 sessions plus 5 Service Projects Required: Write a Personal Statement of Commitment The theme is “Called by Christ to Serve.” The curriculum is a Bible study that requires reflection and personal application. The Daily Bible Reading Requirement is for 3 months minimum. A typical plan will include the book of Acts, as well as Romans, Galatians, and Ephesians. A typical schedule will include a minimum of 12 sessions plus 5 service projects. The final requirement is to write a personal statement of commitment.
God and Life: Grades 9-12 Table of Contents Lesson 1 - God Calls All Kinds of People Lesson 2 - God Doesn’t Expect Us to Do It On Our Own Lesson 3 - Each of Us Must Make a Personal Response to the Call of God Lesson 4 - God Gives Strength to Face Adversities Lesson 5 - God Can Accomplish Great Things through Those Who are Willing to Do God’s Will The curriculum is based on the life of the apostle Paul. The table of contents includes 5 lessons. 1. Before his conversion, Paul persecuted Christians. Lesson 1: God calls all kinds of people. 2. Paul was immediately helped by Ananias and then later by Barnabas. Lesson 2: God doesn’t expect us to do it on our own. 3. Paul was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. Lesson 3: Each of us must make a personal response to the call of God. 4. Paul led a difficult life: many people wanted him dead. Lesson 4: God gives strength to face adversities. 5. Because of Paul, the church was strengthened and it grew in numbers. Lesson 5: God can accomplish great things through those who are willing to do God’s will.
God and Life: Grades 9-12 Favorite Activities Bible Study Leading a worship service Doing the children’s sermon Favorite activities include the actual Bible study, leading a worship service, and doing the children’s sermon.
God and Life: Award Green is the color for the God and Life program. Green symbolizes new growth and eternal life. When young people wear the recognition, they are strengthened in the knowledge that they are “Called by Christ to Serve.” Green is the color for the God and Life program. Green symbolizes new growth and eternal life. When young people wear the recognition, they are strengthened in the knowledge that they are “Called by Christ to serve.”
Four-Star Recipients Four-star recipients are those individuals who have earned all four levels of the P.R.A.Y. series. Four-star recipients will receive a certificate and letter of congratulations from P.R.A.Y. A special pin is available at additional cost. Four star recipients are those individuals who have earned all four levels of the P.R.A.Y. series. Four star recipients will receive a certificate and letter of congratulations from P.R.A.Y.. A special pin is available at additional cost. This pin may be worn by itself or in the ribbon of the God and life medallion.
The P.R.A.Y. Program: More than Just an Award Christian Education
Christian Education Bible-based curriculum Appropriate for Sunday school programs, confirmation classes, and small group opportunities.
Christian Education Family ministry Participants are required to do projects with their families. Parents may choose to participate in the Adult Mentor Program Mentors have a workbook to complete just like their children The Adult Mentor Program is an intentional program for parents to share their faith with their children.
Christian Education Servant leadership Participants must put their faith into action by designing meaningful service projects. Service projects target the family, the congregation, and the community.
Christian Education Changed lives! Parents notice changes in their children and how they interact with each other. Children have asked to be baptized after completing a class. Parents learn to pray with their children and talk about their faith. Families have started attending church again because of a P.R.A.Y. class.
The P.R.A.Y. Program: More than Just a Sunday School Curriculum… it’s EVANGELISM The P.R.A.Y. program impacts the lives of children and families, but it can also benefit the congregation!
The P.R.A.Y. Program: More than Just a Sunday School Curriculum… it’s Evangelism The P.R.A.Y. Program is an Evangelism tool that congregations can use to grow their membership
The P.R.A.Y. Program: More than Just a Sunday School Curriculum… it’s Evangelism Eligibility requirements: Boys and girls May be earned by scouts and non-scouts Families do not need to have official membership in a congregation to be eligible
The P.R.A.Y. Program: More than Just a Sunday School Curriculum… it’s Evangelism Congregations that promote the P.R.A.Y. classes through the Scouting community are reaching out to scouting families that do not have church homes. Roughly half of a typical scouting group will not be active in a congregation.
Scouting Provides “Pre-Qualified” Families Why do families sign up for Scouts? VALUES Congregations can have unchurched families in their building who want values.
Be Intentional About Ministry A full 100% of Scouts pledge their Duty to God. The church’s job is to help them fulfill this promise. The church has an opportunity to turn Scouting into a ministry. This ministry can grow its membership.
Turning Scouting into a Ministry Offer a P.R.A.Y. class. Use the P.R.A.Y. classes as an opportunity for the members of the congregation to interact with the Scouting families.
Goal: Make Scouting a Ministry (not just a group that meets in the basement) Use people from the church (i.e. Sunday school teachers, pastors, parents, etc.) to teach the classes so that the Scouting families can get to know some of the church members. Consider using the Mentor program as an opportunity for Scouting parents to interact with each other and with members of the church. Include Scouts in service projects at the church to help them get their service hours. Plan the award ceremony during a regular worship service and invite the families.
Goal: Make Scouting a Ministry (not just a group that meets in the basement) Quote from a pastor: “Once a family or individual from our Scouting ministry visits our church, they find something that ministers to their family here. Scouting remains our main outreach ministry and we continue to develop nurturing ministries to keep those families coming back again & again.”
Conclusion Scouting is a rich mission field. A P.R.A.Y. class is a non-threatening way for unchurched families to connect with a church. It is this type of Scouting MINISTRY that can bring young families into a congregation.