Understand the Significance of Understand the Significance of EVANGELISM EVANGELISM
God was the first Evangelist “Where are you? (Gen. 3:8) “Where are you? (Gen. 3:8) All Biblical saints from Noah to Apostles proclaimed evangelism The parable of Lost-Son depicts God’s longing heart to welcome sinners
Pray before embarking Pray before embarking EVANGELISM EVANGELISM
Identify your gifts Help others to recognize their gifts Ask the Lord for Direction
Extend Love and Execute Evangelism
You can give without love; However, you cannot love without giving. “I will spend and expend myself” (2 Cor. 12:15). The costs of evangelism are: Ego Ego Time Time Money Money
Count the blessings of Count the blessings of EVANGELISM EVANGELISM
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news (Rom. 10:15) Also refer Isaiah 52:7 The Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does (Eph. 6:8)