Alive-O Term 2: Lesson 4 Thank You God For Me What am I trying to do? To foster in the children as awareness of the wonder of life in their own bodies. Why? So that they will have a sense of joy in themselves and give thanks to god for their being.
As we light this candle we remember once again that God is always with us. Today we will begin our prayer with the chorus of our song: I Look In The Mirror.
I look in the mirror And what do I see. Two eyes and a nose and a mouth And that’s me. Teacher: For eyes to see. All: Thank you, God, we pray.
Teacher: For a nose to smell. All: Thank you, God, we pray. Teacher: For a mouth to taste. All: Thank you, God, we pray.
Teacher: For a voice to talk and sing and laugh and pray. All: Thank you, God, we pray.
All sing: I look in the mirror And what do I see. Two eyes and a nose and a mouth And that’s me. Glory be to the Father, Sign of the Cross