The Word of God The Hand Illustration Word Hand used by permission of The Navigators, copyright All rights reserved.
Hands You have one with you We use them to Welcome others Build stuff Hold or carry things AND communicate This illustration communicates clearly to build up the knowledge and understanding in such a way that is easy to hold on to and not forget. It does so in an inviting way.
Get a grip on the Word – Retain it The "Word Hand" shows five very important methods of learning from the Bible. Hear Read Study Memorize Meditate Thus application audio messages for each method audio messages for each method available at this link
Get a grip on the Word of God The weakest finger represents hearing, because we retain the least through that method of intake. Some people may remember 10% of what they hear. The index finger, our strongest finger, represents memorization. We remember 100% of what we memorize if we consistently review it. MEDITATION is the inward process that should accompany each of the other four methods of Scripture intake. This is why meditation is assigned to the thumb. Only the thumb can touch all the other four fingers. By meditating on God's word we hear, read, study, and memorize, and thereby God works in us.
Get a grip on the Word HEARING Romans 10:17 “faith comes from hearing” Hearing the Word from godly pastors and teachers provides insight into others' study of the Scriptures as well as stimulating your own appetite for the Word. The Bible is available on CD, mp3, and online. There are even Scripture songs (Psalms, just Ps119, more 1 2) to help your mind be saturated with the Word of God.onlinePsalmsjust Ps119more 12 Psalm 37 Psalm 56 Psalm 121 from Sons of Korah Psalm 37 Psalm 56Psalm 121Sons of Korah
Get a grip on the Word READING Revelation 1:3 “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words” Reading the Bible gives an overall picture of God's Word. Many people find it helpful to use a daily reading program which takes them systematically through the Bible. 1. Comprehensive, Biographical, or Survey 1 2. Robert Murray McCheyne plan pdfMcCheyneplan pdf 3. Chronologically pdfChronologically pdf 4. Nav Resources; daily devotional in your Nav
Get a grip on the Word READING How is the Word of God to be read? A: The Holy Scriptures are to be read with an high and reverent esteem of them; with a firm persuasion that they are the very Word of God, and that he only can enable us to understand them; with desire to know, believe, and obey the will of God revealed in them; with diligence, and attention to the matter and scope of them; with meditation, application, self-denial, and prayer. Q157WLC
Get a grip on the Word STUDYING Acts 17:11 “examining the Scriptures daily” Studying the Scriptures leads to personal discoveries of God's truths. Writing down these discoveries helps you organize and remember them. Tips (pdf) Tips ABC Bible Study Bookmark (pdf) ABC Study of Truth - notes from Biblical Theology by John Owen on seven things that ought to accompany the study of truth. (pdf) Study of Truth 10, 9, proofs that Scripture is the Word of God, 9 reasons for difficult passages, 8 means to use when interpreting Scripture. (pdf) 10, 9, 8
Get a grip on the Word MEMORIZING Psalm 119:9, 11 “I have hidden your word in my heart” Memorizing God's Word enables use of the Sword of the Spirit to overcome Satan and have it readily available for witnessing or helping others with a “word in season.” Scripture memory stimulates meaningful meditation. How to memorize How to I started with the Topical Memory SystemTopical Memory System
Get a grip on the Word MEDITATING Psalm 1:2,3 “on His law he meditates day and night” (see also Joshua 1:8) Meditation is the thumb of the Word Hand, for it is used in conjunction with each of the other methods. Only as you meditate on God's Word – thinking of its meaning and application in your life – will you discover its transforming power at work within you.
Hear it Rom 10:17 James 1:22 Read it Rev 1:3 Deut 17:19* 1 Tim 4:13 Study it Acts 17:11 2 Tim 2:15 Ezra 7:10* Memorize it Ps119:9,11 Col 3:16 Deut 11:18 Deut 6:6-9* Meditate on it Psalm 1:2,3 Joshua 1:8