In the beginning--God Doctrines 2 & 3 Session 2. Psalm 139:1-10 from the Message God investigate my life.


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Presentation transcript:

In the beginning--God Doctrines 2 & 3 Session 2

Psalm 139:1-10 from the Message God investigate my life

Our Second Doctrine We believe that there is only one God, who is infinitely perfect, the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all things, and who is the only proper object of religious worship.

Reasons for believing there is One God Nature Man’s inward feelings or intuition The Bible The experience of God’s people

What about God He is of infinite perfection in power and glory He is the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all He alone is to be regarded and treated as God (the only proper object of religious worship) He is one, yet three in one

Our Third Doctrine We believe that there are three persons in the Godhead – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, undivided in essence and co-equal in power and glory.

Spirit is Is not Son is GOD Father Ancient Diagram of the Trinity The "Godhead  Occurs three times in the scriptures  Acts 17: 29, Romans 1: 20, Colossians 2: 9  Three entities comprise the Godhead  Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit  They are one in nature, purpose, and thinking God vs gods  "gods" is used, it refers to idols  The Lord our God is one Lord" (Deuteronomy 6: 4)  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are: co-existent - co-eternal - co-equal Incarnation (becoming flesh) John 1:1-11  Word became flesh  He "assumed" the position of Son (John 3:16)  He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and Mary (Matthew 1:20) The Spirit  Shares the common and essential nature and traits of deity  If any one of the three were removed, there would be no God  All three are to be treated as God  When we pray to God, we are praying to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit  When we worship God, we are worshiping the Father, Son and Holy Spirit God is:  All knowing (Acts 2: 23) - self-existent (John 5: 26) - immutable (James 1: 17) powerful (Matthew 19: 26) and eternal (Romans 1: 20) Hearing From God

God is Father God loves us with a love that is greater than any human father’s care for his children.

God’s Attributes He is personal He is Spirit He is eternal and not created He is unchanging He alone is God He is One, yet Three-in-One He is present everywhere (omnipresent) He knows everything (omniscient) He can do all things (omnipotent) He is holy He is love

God is Jesus He is human He is human as we are (tired, hungry, thirsty) He is truly human in his mind as well as his body He faced temptation and needed to pray He is the divine Son of God He Himself makes remarkable claims Remarkable claims are made on His behalf

God is Holy Spirit His promise was fulfilled at Pentecost The Holy Spirit is given to all Christians The Holy Spirit is personal, not just an ‘influence’ The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jesus Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come in his place:

QUESTIONS In what ways do the gods of heathen countries differ from our God? Is God living? How do you know? State two OT verses that support God’s creation. State two NT verses that support that God is one God and we should worship Him.