Lutherans For Life Text written by Lutherans For Life of Michigan, Inc. Presentation prepared by Lutherans For Life of Michigan, Inc. and Lutherans For Life, Inc.
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 Every life is important and valuable to God.
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 A Special Gift
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 Knitting … “hands on”
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 God spoke…
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 stars & planets trees & flowers sea & land
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 sea creatures, birds, and land animals
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 NIV
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. Genesis 2:7 NIV
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 Psalm 139:13 NIV For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 God’s Knitting Room
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 Your life began… Not on your “birth-day”
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 On Your “LIFE-day” If you were a boy or a girl Color of your hair How short or tall you would be.
F Lutherans For Life, Weeks Old Heart beating for more than a month Teeth buds forming Kidneys functioning Fingerprints Clasp an object in your hand
F Lutherans For Life, Weeks Old Your ears were functioning You could hear your mother’s voice Hair was growing on your head You liked to exercise!
F Lutherans For Life, Weeks (5 Months) Old Mother began feeling you move
F Lutherans For Life, Weeks (7½ Months) Old Skin grew thicker and smoother Layers of fat developed Preparing to be born
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, Before you were born I set you apart.” Jeremiah 1:5a NIV
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 No matter what our size
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 Whether we are young or old
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 Born or preborn
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 Strong or weak
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 Sick or healthy
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 God loves and values all of His dear children.
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 He sent Jesus… into His knitting room.
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 He sent Jesus… to be born as a baby.
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 He sent Jesus... to live the perfect life for us.
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 He sent Jesus… to die on the cross to take all our sins upon Himself.
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 God wants us to know…
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 that every life …
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 is important to Him …
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 because HE knit each one of us together …
F Lutherans For Life, 2005 in our mother’s womb … God’s Knitting Room!