Joining Together in the Transforming Mission of God
E nabling Change S erving Community V aluing People Discerning God Joining Together in the Mission of God
The Journey Out and about – meeting clergy, lay leaders, councillors, business leaders, teachers, farmers... Out and about – meeting clergy, lay leaders, councillors, business leaders, teachers, farmers... visiting parishes, communities, institutions, workplaces... visiting parishes, communities, institutions, workplaces hours away & with staff 48 hours away & with staff 24 hours bishop’s council 24 hours bishop’s council Clergy study day Clergy study day What God is already doing amongst us What God is already doing amongst us Isaiah Isaiah Mission theology & practice Mission theology & practice
Joining Together in the Transforming Mission of God L I V I N G W O R S H I P G R O W I N G D I S C I P L E S E K I N G J U S T I C E
JOINING TOGETHER With God With God It’s his mission – He is the creator, saviour, deliverer, empowerer, caller, light It’s his mission – He is the creator, saviour, deliverer, empowerer, caller, light It’s all about his glory and wonder It’s all about his glory and wonder
JOINING TOGETHER With one another – in our parishes, cathedral and institutions With one another – in our parishes, cathedral and institutions In our Deaneries In our Deaneries In our Diocese In our Diocese With fellow Christians – locally Regionally With fellow Christians – locally Regionally
JOINING TOGETHER Globally Globally Natal Israel / Palestine Burundi
JOINING TOGETHER With those of other faiths With our communities - civic, business and voluntary sectors
SO WHAT IS THE MISSION OF GOD? “The God revealed in the Scriptures is personal, purposeful and goal- orientated.” “The God revealed in the Scriptures is personal, purposeful and goal- orientated.” (Chris Wright, ‘The Mission of God’ p63) God’s mission is about justice and righteousness. It is about God being the saviour and deliverer. God’s mission is about justice and righteousness. It is about God being the saviour and deliverer. This justice & deliverance is about transforming people’s lives; it is about saving & transforming communities, society, and indeed the world. This justice & deliverance is about transforming people’s lives; it is about saving & transforming communities, society, and indeed the world.
Joining Together in the Transforming Mission of God L I V I N G W O R S H I P G R O W I N G D I S C I P L E S E K I N G J U S T I C E
LIVING WORSHIPGiving God the glory and honour in our life together and out in the world Vibrant Authentic Faithful Creative Whole Life Word & Sacrament Generous
GROWING DISCIPLES Seeing more people become followers of Jesus & seeing Jesus’ followers more humbly confident in their faith Sharing Good News Worship Prayer Apostles Teaching Fellowship Work World
SEEKING JUSTICE Working for a fairer world for everyone both locally & globally, marked by God’s justice Education Health Housing Hospitality Work Freedom from Oppression Peace Creation Integrity
E nabling Change S erving Community V aluing People Discerning God Joining Together in the Transforming Mission of God G R O W I N G D I S C I P L E S E K I N G J U S T I C E
Joining Together in the Transforming Mission of God L I V I N G W O R S H I P G R O W I N G D I S C I P L E S E K I N G J U S T I C E Local Global Children Elderly Youth Rural Urban Suburban Ecumenical Inter-Faith Poverty Wealth Schools Prisons Healthcare Business Climate Change Differently-abled Worklessness Gender Students Media Middle aged Science Arts
E nabling Change S erving Community V aluing People Discerning God Joining Together in the Transforming Mission of God G R O W I N G D I S C I P L E S E K I N G J U S T I C E Children Youth Elderly Students Differently-abled Gender Climate Change Worklessness Global Urban Suburban Rural Business Inter-faith Poverty & Wealth Prisons Healthcare Ecumenical Local Schools Media Middle aged Arts Science