Age of Reason Revolutionary Time Period. Scientific Revolution Work of Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, and Galileo destroyed the old notion that the earth.


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Presentation transcript:

Age of Reason Revolutionary Time Period

Scientific Revolution Work of Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, and Galileo destroyed the old notion that the earth was the center of the universe. Discovery of gravitational pull promoted a world view that the universe is controlled by natural law. Telescopes which made astronomical observations about the universe. New laws concerning laws of planetary motion. Heliocentric model of universe proven which renounces Catholic Church stance of geocentric model. Considering that the universe was greater than once imagined challenged the Biblical authority. Bible still an authority on matters of faith and morality, but not on science.

Deism A religious movement that originated 17 th and 18 th century A religious movement that originated 17 th and 18 th century Asserts the existence of God or supreme being Asserts the existence of God or supreme being Proper source of religion comes from the exercise of human reason, observation of the natural world, and utilization of personal experience with emphasis on individual thought. Proper source of religion comes from the exercise of human reason, observation of the natural world, and utilization of personal experience with emphasis on individual thought. Basic deistic religious truths Basic deistic religious truths God exists and created the universe God exists and created the universe God wants human beings to behave morally God wants human beings to behave morally Human beings have souls that survive death (there is afterlife) Human beings have souls that survive death (there is afterlife) In afterlife, God will reward moral behavior and punish immorality In afterlife, God will reward moral behavior and punish immorality

deism Thomas Paine The Age of Reason Thomas Paine The Age of Reason “I believe the equality of man; and …that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow creatures happy.” “I believe the equality of man; and …that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow creatures happy.” “ I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life.” “ I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life.” “We believe in the existence of a God, and in the immortality of the soul.” “We believe in the existence of a God, and in the immortality of the soul.” Founding Fathers Founding Fathers These educated men, while product of Christian society, embraced new ideas These educated men, while product of Christian society, embraced new ideas Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, etc Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, etc Driven to found a nation on liberty and freedom of conscience. Driven to found a nation on liberty and freedom of conscience. Major role in creating the principle of separation of church and state Major role in creating the principle of separation of church and state Influence in First Amendment clauses of religious freedom. Influence in First Amendment clauses of religious freedom.

Deism The Clockmaker After creating the perfect mechanism of the universe, God allows it to run on its own. God does not interfere with humanity, and it makes no sense to ask Him to do so. Humanity’s God-gift of REASON would enable man to discover both scientific and spiritual truth. All humans born with innate ethical sense and thus the ability to regulate and improve their lives.

Deism Decline Decline Loss of confidence that reason could solve all problems Criticism that free thought would lead to atheism Remained a personal philosophy and never an organized movement Christian revivalist groups which taught that more personal relationship with God was possible. Modern Revival Attempts to integrate classical deism with modern philosophy. Religious thought should be free, and all creeds tolerated. Faith in the human capacity for reason and goodness Calvinist doctrines are false. Jesus was human and God did not demand that he die for man. Dualism does not exist..there is no devil

Supporting Philosophy Humanism Humanism All people have dignity, worth, and the ability to determine right from wrong by appeal to rationalism All people have dignity, worth, and the ability to determine right from wrong by appeal to rationalism Sir Isaac Newton Sir Isaac Newton Through reason, a people could discover principles that would guarantee social and political harmony. Through reason, a people could discover principles that would guarantee social and political harmony. John Locke John Locke A people should balance power of sovereign against power of government (Parliament) to ensure the preservation of material rights. A people should balance power of sovereign against power of government (Parliament) to ensure the preservation of material rights. Blank Slate…… Blank Slate…… Neoclassicists Neoclassicists Reason valued and sought to discover the material laws by which an individual/nation could achieve peace and harmony Reason valued and sought to discover the material laws by which an individual/nation could achieve peace and harmony

Literature Reason: the ability of the human mind to form and operate on concepts in abstraction..with rationality and logic. Reason: the ability of the human mind to form and operate on concepts in abstraction..with rationality and logic. In Literature, reason is often opposed to emotions, desires, drives, and passions. In Literature, reason is often opposed to emotions, desires, drives, and passions. Rooted in reality rather than imagination or spirituality. Rooted in reality rather than imagination or spirituality. Types and Purposes Pamphlets: served practical and political ends Essays: Federalist Papers explain ideas behind Constitution Broadsides: poetic equivalent of pamphlets Personal narrative: autobiographies Speeches: great use of propoganda, rhetoric and logic Political documents: Declaration of Independence Constitution