Wetenschappers zijn op zoek naar het Higgs-deeltje om een van hun theorieën, het standaardmodel, te bewijzen. Dit model beschrijft de fundamentele krachten (de sterke kernkracht, de elektromagnetische kracht en de zwakke kernkracht) met uitzondering van de zwaartekracht.
Chapter 7 Technology Accelerators Jim Collins, Good to Great (2001) Thuy – Tran Chau 24 June 2008
Crawl, Walk, Run Technology and the Hedgehog concept Technology as an Accelerator, Not a Creator The Technology Trap Technology and the fear of being left behind A G E N D A Technology accelerators
vs. Run!- Fast at first Walk- A little slower Crawl Run! Walk Crawl Crawl, Walk, Run Crawl- Slow at first Walk- A little faster Run! The best way to use technology is first to learn how to crawl, and then learn how to walk before you finally learn how to run. Do not rush into a new technology revolution before you have understood what bits and pieces can be used to support your business.
Bubbles come and Bubbles go –Ex: Internet, railroads, electricity, radio, and personal computers. Don’t ask: What is the role of Technology? Ask: How do we get Good-to- Great companies to think differently about technology? Technology and the Hedgehog concept
Walgreens Introduction of Intercom. Used technology as a tool to accelerate momentum. Hedgehog concept would drive its use of Technology, not the other way around. Technology and the Hedgehog concept
11 GTG companies Technology and the Hedgehog concept
Does the technology fit directly with your hedgehog Concept? Do you need this technology at all? Technology without a clear Hedgehog Concept, and without the discipline to stay within the three circles, cannot make a company great. Technology as an Accelerator, Not a Creator
Where does Technology rank with CEOs The culture of the company Technology the accelerator The Technology Trap
No good-to-great interviews talked about competitive strategy. Never talked in reactionary terms and defined their strategies based on what others where doing. Did not use their competitors as a benchmark Non of the good to great companies were motivated by fear Great Companies like Walgreens took quiet deliberate steps forward Mediocre companies lurched about in a fearful and frantic reaction No new technology, no matter how great, can ignite a shift from good-to-great Technology and the fear of being left behind
The companies that stay true to their fundamentals and maintain their balance, even in times of great change and disruption, will accumulate the momentum that creates breakthrough momentum. “Most men would rather die than think. Many do.” - Bertrand Russell F I N D I N G S
? Questions ? If technology cannot make or break a company's level of greatness, but only serves as an accelerator of greatness or demise already in progress, then why did everyone fall in love with technology for technology's sake during the 1990s? Why is there so much hype and fear about new technologies, and what can you do to view new technologies with objective equanimity? Mike Bohlmann:
D I S C U S S I O N S What is the notion (the thought) of ‘GREAT’ ? If the word ‘GREAT’ only means the financial success then people like Bill Gates of Microsoft or family Walton of Wal- Mart (world's largest retailer) are great people and Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi are not great people? ….you should read the book The SecretThe Secret
They were searching on the internet for the great movie Lord of the rings