Vocabulary Frontload WH Unit 2
City-State Aka- Polis Political unit of city and surrounding land
Monarchy King or Queen is the central power _ _monarchy.jpg
Sparta City-state in Peloponnesus Miller_after_H_W_Williams.jpg
Athens City-state in Attica
Democracy Govt by the people Athens
Tyrant Leaders who gain pwr by force
Legislature Lawmaking body
Jury Citizens who make final decision in a trial
Republic Govt officials chosen by the people Rome
Patrician v. Plebian Landholding upper class Common people
Consul Roman Senators elect two patricians to supervise the business of govt & command army One term limit Checks & balance
Dictator Ruler w/ complete control over govt cincinnatus_statue.jpg Cincinnatus
Tribune Official elected by plebeians to protect their interests
Veto Block laws
Carthage City-state on northern coast of Africa
Jerusalem Capital of the independent Jewish state Judea
Monotheistic Belief in one god
Covenant Promise or agreement
Sabbath Holy day of rest and worship
Prophet Spiritual leaders who interpret god’s will
Ethics Moral standards of behavior
Diaspora Scattering of the Jews
Messiah Savior sent by God to lead the Jews to freedom
Apostle A leader or teacher of a new faith/mvmt
Tolerance Acceptance of many (in this unit: religion)
Clergy People authorized to perform religious ceremonies
Hierarchy Group arranged in order of rank System of church govt by clergy
Dominate To rule or control by superior pwr or influence
Feudalism System of rule Pwr lords divide land among lesser lords who pledge loyalty
Common Law Legal system based on custom & court rulings
Absolute Monarch Ruler w/complete authority over govt & lives of the people
Habeas Corpus No person held in prison w/o being charged w/ specific crime
Limited Monarchy Constitution or legislative body limits the monarchy
Sophists Teachers of philosophy & rhetoric Question accepted ideas