CSC – Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd. RAKETTI-OPI Integration Workgroup Action Plan
Integration Workgroup Drivers Integration solution needed –Universities’ internal systems –National Board of Education, new national student application & admission system etc. –RAKETTI-OPI projects –Perhaps beneficial to our Nordic colleagues? First decisions are made during Q3/2011
Talk is cheap We have exhausted the possibilities of academic discussion! The solution (a la RS3G Code Camp): –Have a 2-day code camp during Mid-June to test and evaluate several integration solutions in a multiuniversity/system environment –Prepare use cases / scenarios in early June for implementation
Participants National Board of Education University of Helsinki University of Jyväskylä University of Tampere Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Oulu University of Applied Sciences CSC (RAKETTI, TIPTOP)
Strength through Diversity Every participating university has a different student information system –Interesting to see how to integrate evaluated solutions to various systems National Board of Education needs a national solution for communication
Products to be evaluated Note: the list is preliminary ESBs –ServiceMix etc. Messaging solutions, starting with these: –AMQP (RabbitMQ) –ZeroMQ… (Messaging solutions will also be integrated to the ESBs.)
What are we interested in? How do the solutions behave in a heterogenous system with many nodes and a centralized/national bus –Configuration –Scalability (how easy to add new nodes?) –Ease of implementation/integration –Extendability (ESBs – add new ”bindings”) –Performance –Security
Results We learn if we succeed of fail –But plan on succeeding First version of the results document should be available at the end of June (in Opi-wiki ) Contact person: Jorma Korkiakoski