Southern California Gas Company Customer Assistance Programs 5/27/09.


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Presentation transcript:

Southern California Gas Company Customer Assistance Programs 5/27/09

2 Low Income Energy Efficiency (LIEE) 2009 PROGRAM OVERVIEW Southern California Gas Company offers no-cost weatherization and limited appliance repair or replacement services for income-qualified, low-income renters* and homeowners. *Renters need written permission from landlords to receive program services.

3 Low Income Energy Efficiency (LIEE) - cont’d Ways To Qualify: 1) If customer or household member receives benefits from: Medi-Cal, Food Stamps, TANF (AFDC), (AFDC), Women, Infants & Children (WIC), Healthy Families Categories A&B, LIHEAP, SSI, LifeLine (specific programs tbd), & Section 8 (select housing facilities that meet DAP income guidelines) OR 2) If customer meets the following maximum household income guidelines: # of persons in household: 1 or Total yearly household income no more than:$30,500$35,800$43,200$50,600$58,000 For each additional person in household add $7,400 OR 3) SoCalGas has identified low income customers in specific areas of SoCalGas’ service territory and has allow those customers to enroll in the LIEE program by self-certifying their income. *These income guidelines are effective June 1, 2008 thru May 31, 2009.

4 Low Income Energy Efficiency (LIEE) - cont’d Total Gross Household Income Total gross household income is the combined annual income of ALL persons living in the home before taxes and deductions from sources including, but not limited to: wages, salaries, interest, dividends, spousal and child support payments; public assistance payments, Social Security and pensions, rental income, income from self- employment, and all employment-related non-cash income. Customers Interested in Applying or Needing More Information Can … Submit an on-line interest form or get program information at OR Call LIEE's dedicated toll-free hotline at

5 Low Income Energy Efficiency (LIEE) - cont’d Program Measures May Include: Ceiling insulation  Faucet aerators Door weather-stripping  Minor home repairs Caulking  Water heater blankets Low flow shower heads  Energy Education Furnace clean & tune  Limited appliance repair or replacement Evaporative cooler covers and A/C covers services (furnaces, water heaters, FAUs, Duct sealing & testing FAU pilot light retrofit, high efficiency Pipe insulation clothes washers) *Historically, h omes were only allowed to receive services every 10 years. Starting 1/1/09, all homes serviced prior to 1/1/02 are eligible for services.

6 Low Income Energy Efficiency (LIEE) - cont’d Targeted Outreach Tactics:  Bill inserts  TV interviews  Door-to-door canvassing  Brochures  campaigns  Community events  Direct mail  Local publications  Radio  Telemarketing Customer Experience: Customer becomes aware of program as a result of outreach tactic(s) listed above. Over several scheduled appointments: – Eligibility is determined* – Energy audit/assessment is conducted – Enrollment is completed – Measures are installed / inspected – Customer has potential to receive future rewards (pilot designed to reward those who are able to maintain a reduction in their overall energy consumption). *Customer is required to provide representative with proof of total household income.

7 Low Income Energy Efficiency (LIEE) - cont’d CPUC Vision For LIEE Programs: By 2020, 100% of eligible & willing customers will have received all Low Income Energy Efficiency (LIEE) measures. IOU LIEE programs shall… – Establish energy efficiency as a priority while reducing low income customer bills and improving their quality of life. – Provide LIEE measures for 25% of eligible & willing customers between – Emphasize long term savings. – Focus on high energy usage. – IOUs shall coordinate 2009 LIEE marketing consistent with California’s Long Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan.

8 Low Income Energy Efficiency (LIEE) - cont’d New Program Directives: Lifeline (ULTS) programs, SSI & Section 8 have been added to the list of categorical qualifying programs. IOUs can install one or two measures in a home as long as the measures achieve energy savings of at least either 125kWh annually or 25 thms annually. Target increased outreach to high energy users, high energy burden, & high energy insecurity (late payers & those subject to service shut-off). Implement whole neighborhood approach to minimize costs & greenhouse gas emissions. Measures must meet or exceed a cost effectiveness threshold of.25. (Some measures that don’t meet the threshold will be allowed for purposes of customer health, comfort & safety.) Customers with disabilities shall comprise approx. 15% of new LIEE enrollments annually. Historically, homes were only allowed to receive services every 10 years. Starting 1/1/09, all homes serviced prior to 1/1/02 are eligible for services.

9 Low Income Energy Efficiency (LIEE) - cont’d Leverage with other government, public & private programs to gain: increased program awareness and enrollments, energy savings, and cost efficiencies. – Current partnerships: Metropolitan Water District (energy efficient clothes washers) – Pending partnership negotiations: Imperial Irrigation District, Burbank Water & Power, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power – Potential partnerships:  Public housing authorities  Schools  Disability Rights Advocates (DRA)  Other IOUs  LIHEAP (federally funded & administrated by CDCSD)  Water agencies  Cities / local communities  Municipalities  Community based organizations (CBOs)  Other  Deaf & Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP)

10 California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) OVERVIEW: The CARE program provides a 20% discount on the monthly gas bill to eligible low- income customers and non-profit group living facilities. In addition, customers who qualify, and are approved within 90 days of starting new gas service, will also receive a $15 discount on the Service Establishment Charge. Customers receive the discount once the completed application is approved by The Gas Company.

11 California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) - cont’d There are 2 ways to qualify: 1) If customer or household member receives benefits from: Medi-Cal, Food Stamps, TANF (AFDC), Women, Infants & Children (WIC), Healthy Families Categories A&B, or LIHEAP OR 2) If customer meets the following maximum household income guidelines: # of persons in household 1 or Total yearly household income no more than$30,500$35,800$43,200$50,600 $58,000 For each additional person in household add $7,400 *These income guidelines are effective June 1, 2008 thru May 31, 2009.

12 California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) - cont’d Total household income Is all revenues, from all household members, from whatever sources derived, including but not limited to: wages, salaries, interest, dividends, spousal and child support payments; public assistance payments, Social Security and pensions, rental income, income from self-employment, and all employment-related non-cash income. Conditions for Participation The gas bill must be in customer name; address must be customer’s primary address. Customer must not be claimed as a dependent on another person’s income tax return other than the spouse’s. Customer must recertify CARE eligibility when requested. Customer must notify The Gas Company within 30 days if they no longer qualify. Customer may be asked to verify their eligibility for CARE.

13 California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) - cont’d Applying For CARE Customers can apply online at Download an application PDF at and mail in the application. For More Information Program details are available on Call The Gas Company toll-free at: English Korean Spanish Vietnamese Mandarin Other Languages Cantonese Hearing Impaired (TDD)

14 Customer Assistance Contact: Adam Knowles Energy Programs Advisor