Background to the Banks Group lEstablished in 1976 in the North East of England as a surface coal mining company with associated plant and transport business lDiversified into related areas: uresidential, commercial property development udevelopment of waste management infrastructure urenewable energy; lOwned by Harry Banks, founder and chairman lNow employs approximately 350
Location of Banks Offices S Hamilton, Nr Glasgow NW Chorley, Nr Manchester M Chesterfield, Derbyshire NE Tow Law, Co Durham HQ Thrislington, Co Durham
RENEWABLES BUSINESS PLAN TARGET Planning consent 250 MW – /09 – 4 applications 2009/10 – 6 applications 2010/11 – 6 applications
West Durham Windfarm l Planning permission received in 2005 l 12 turbines producing 24 MW of green electricity (enough for 13,400 homes) l Construction commenced 2008 l Will be the largest on-shore wind farm in the north east l Banks will own and operate the wind farm providing investment for the next 25 years
Development With Care EnvironmentEnvironment CommunityCommunity EmployeesEmployees CustomersCustomers SuppliersSuppliers ShareholdersShareholders
Community Engagement
Community Involvement
Providing new community amenities and environmental improvement
Landscape and Restoration
Awards Winners of the 2004 Noise Abatement Society John Connell Award for Innovation and the 2005 Environmental Pioneer Award Winners of the Millennium Award for the landscaping of the Hundred Acre Nature Reserve, Oakenshaw, Durham Winners of two National awards for Environmental Excellence from the UK Coal Authority for our sites in Northumberland Winners of the BITC “Big Tick” Award in 2007 for Marketplace Innovation