UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ and AGORA CENTER MIT/COSSE 1/2009 COSSE – Research Group on Computational Sciences, Software Engineering, and Education Principal Investigator prof. Tommi K ä rkk ä inen University of Jyv ä skyl ä Department of Mathematical Information Technology (MIT) Faculty of Information Technology
UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ and AGORA CENTER MIT/COSSE 1/2009 IA: Robust Procedures for Reliable Model Determination with Noisy Data Interaction of Topics RT: Signal and Image Processing RT: Data Mining and Neural Computing Formulations and Solution Algorithms Computational Structures Software/Domain Engineering Tools and Methods Metric Data software project phase products Educational Technology SE Practices and Metaphors User and Developer related concepts (e.g. learnability) RT: Methods and Tools for Software Development RT: Education and Technology testing strategies domain knowledge Note: IA = Important Achievement, RT = Rising Topic
UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ and AGORA CENTER MIT/COSSE 1/2009 Tools for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery...
UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ and AGORA CENTER MIT/COSSE 1/2009 Doctoral training Active PhLic and Ph.D. students 1.L. Hiltunen: Content Creation for E-learning 2.J. Hänninen: Neural Network Training 3.V. Isomöttönen: Agile Capstone Projects 4.J. Itkonen: Software Understanding 5.A. Ivannikov: Industrial Measurement Processing 6.A.-J. Kaijanaho: Programming Language Design 7.M. Kallioniemi: Problem-Based Learning 8.J. Markkanen: ICT-strategies at Schools 9.M. Nurminen: Conceptual Modelling 10.P. Nieminen: Neural Computing 11.T. Turpeinen: Tomography Image Analysis 12.T. Tuunanen: Software Licence Analysis 13.S-M. Äyrämö: Narratives in EduGames 14.L. Wilen: Quality of Education 15.M. Nieminen: Discovering Security Threats from Anomalies Ph.Lic. studies completed 1.K. Majava (2000) 2.S. Kotikoski (2004) 3.L. Hiltunen (2005) 4.J. Itkonen (2006) Ph.D. studies completed 1.K. Majava (2001) 2.S. Saalasti (2003) 3.M. Pechenizkiy (2005) 4.S. Äyrämö (2006) 5.T. Kilpeläinen (2007) 6.N. Hämäläinen (2008) 7.E. Laitila (2008) 8.V. Tirronen (2008) 9.T. Valkonen (2008) Active Post Docs 1.K. Valjus: Image Processing 2.M. Pechenizkiy: Data Mining 3.S. Äyrämö: Data Mining Note: Since 2001 round 200 MSc Thesis supervised by members of COSSE!
UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ and AGORA CENTER MIT/COSSE 1/2009 Projects since 2000 FIBNET (Academy of Finland, Signal and Image processing) PROBISI (Academy of Finland, Signal and Image processing PaperData (Academy of Finland for Kirsi Majava’s Post Doc) InBCT/ALL (Tekes, Educational Technology) Datamining (OSKE = Regional Center of Excellence in PaperTech) PROSÄÄ (Tekes, Energy Tech) Knowledge Mining (OSKE, Paper Tech) Pilot Data (Metso Paper/Tekes, Paper Tech) PROSÄÄ2 (Tekes, Energy Tech) EEG/MMN processing (CIMO) FPGA/PowerPC Linux (Patria) CFB APROS (VTT, Energy Tech) VATKU (Ixonos, Reqs Engr) IMPI (Metso Paper, Paper Tech) Knowledge Boost (OSKE, Paper Tech) Production2010 (Tekes, Process Tech) DataminingII (OSKE, Paper Tech) Pro Quality Pro (JyU&IT-Faculty) ReTIC (OSKE, Paper Tech) ProductionPro (Tekes, Process Tech) Dynergia (Tekes, Process Tech) RISC-PROS (EAKR, Process Tech) MeMo (Univ. Alliance Finland, Process Tech) QVision (Forest Cluster) Tie2Louhi (Finnish Road Administration, Keski-Suomi Region) … National collaboration e.g. HUT TUT UO UKU VTT, multiple brances Metso Paper Patria UPM Kymmene Viconsys Fluidhouse TietoEnator TeliaSonera Ixonos Foster Wheeler Andriz FRA …