Michigan-California Timber Company DIRK EMBREE (530) 842-2310 dembree@timberproducts.com
MCTC BACKGROUND MCTC is an affiliate of Timber Products TP has eight mills in four states TP is headquartered in Springfield, OR Employ approximately 960 MCTC manages the timberlands MCTC is headquartered in Yreka, CA
NSO Range and MCTC Ownership
MCTC Vicinity Map
MCTC OVERVIEW Approximately 114,000 acres Acquired in 1994 Checkerboard pattern Located on the edge of the NSO’s range Elevations range from around 2000’ to over 8,000’ above sea level Timbered stands are mostly Klamath mixed conifer, ponderosa pine, and true fir
HISTORY Railroad land grants Multiple owners Logging began in the 1930’s Heavy logging in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s Several large wildfires
CURRENT MANAGEMENT Sustainably managed under Option A (CCR 933.11) Utilize both even and unevenaged management Retain bioforestry patches in evenaged units Retain key habitat elements Manage for a variety of wildlife, fish and plant species Ownership supports a wealth of natural resources
NSO REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Spotted Owl Management Plan (939.9(e)) Updated and Reauthorized March 29, 2013 Valid for five years
HABITAT CONSERVATION Modified version of the FWS habitat standard Implement 0.5 mile core areas around AC’s Retain designated NSO habitat in abiotically favorable locations within core areas and watershed Implement standard seasonal restrictions and disturbance buffers for nesting birds
NSO SURVEYS Annual surveys completed since early 90’s Annually complete over 1200 station visits Completed 1,344 station visits in 2013
SURVEY PROTOCOL Adhere to the 2012 Survey Protocol Conduct six-visits out to 1.3 miles Conduct walk-ins to known Activity Centers Conduct follow-ups to determine location of nest or roost sites, and breeding status Determine reproductive output of our monitoring birds
SURVEY EFFORT Surveys are completed by in-house staff Two biologists and one technician All with relevant four-year degrees Over 25 years combined experience
OWL NUMBERS 55 known AC’s located within 0.5 miles of the ownership
OWL NUMBERS - Cont. In 2012, we reviewed all available NSO data for the 55 AC’s dating back to 2000 Included review of all NSO data forms, the State database, our in-house GIS database, and data provided by adjacent landowners Compiled data into a matrix, showing the status of each AC by year, if it was surveyed
OWL NUMBERS – Cont. Excluded data for an AC for a given year under the following circumstances: Single nighttime only detections Sites where barred owls were detected Sites where data was not provided Sites that were not surveyed
OWL NUMBERS – Cont. Occupancy data of the 55 owl sites located within 0.5 miles of the MCTC ownership between 2000 and 2013. YEAR 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Mean # of Sites Surveyed 31 35 34 33 28 30 29 25 26 32 24 29.85 # of confirmed adult owls 21 36 27 15 23 22 18 Mean #owls/site surveyed 0.68 1.17 1.16 0.79 0.77 0.88 0.89 0.83 0.60 0.72 0.92 .72 0.86 # of sites occupied by ≥1 owls 11 20 17 16 14 8 12 % of sites surveyed occupied by ≥1 owls 35% 67% 65% 50% 43% 48% 46% 47% 32% 52%
MONITORING BIRDS Six original monitoring birds specified in the 2007 SOMP Nine monitoring birds in the 2013 SOMP All but one are located on MCTC Survey and obtain reproductive status on at least 5 each year
MCTC MONITORING SITES CAID 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 *SK012 NS 2 SK051 NT SK152 NCASI 1 unk SK391 SK493 SK541 SK542 SK549 BO SK553 # of NSO's 8 11 14 12 13 16 10 2= pair, 1 = single, 0 = no owls detected, NT = nighttime detection only, BO = barred owl NS = not surveyed, NCASI = NCASI telemetry study, UNK = unknown strix *SK012 is not located on the MCTC Ownership
SUMMARY Based on review of available data associated with the 55 known activity centers located within 0.5 miles of the MCTC ownership, we have concluded that our owl population is dynamic, yet stable. Specific site occupancy is variable for some sites, while others show high levels of consistency Barred owls have displaced one of our monitoring sites, forcing the NSOs to relocate further up the drainage.