Joint seminar collective bargaining / company policy Sesimbra September Luís Miguel Gonçalves / Rosa Maria Fernandes
The current situation in Portugal The austerity policies The economic crisis The foreign trade balance
The impact on collective bargaining Chart 1 – Evolution of the number of collective labor relations negotiated and published in BTE, by type - between 1976 and 2012 Source: Paulo Marques Alves et al. (2013)
Collective Bargaining At the beginning of the XXI century 2005 forward The 2009 crisis 2011 forward
Employment in Portugal Chart 2 – Employed population’s annual variation rate ( ) Source: INE; Quebra de série em 2011
Employment in Portugal Chart 3 – Average unemployment rate ( ) Source: INE; Quebra de série em 2011
Employment in Portugal Chart 4 – Unemployment rate - quarterly (%; ) Source: INE
Working conditions FEAR is the word that best defines some of labor relations in Portugal
Portugal towards the future The Europe 2020 strategy is threefold: Smart growth; Sustainable growth; Inclusive growth.
Portugal towards the future Five goals to achieve in 2020: 1. Employability 2. Intensity Research and Development (R & D) 3. Level of education 4. Social inclusion 5. Climate and energy
Employability Europe 2020 goals and the National Plan of Reforms Increasing the employment rate of the population between 20 and 64 years to 75%
Conclusion We do not want a future that reflects the current situation against which we fight every day. We hope that the alignment strategy in 2020 put everyone in a growth path.