VValidation of Shipping Paper against the regs CCarrier & State Variations AAddress Book TTwo-Year History of Shipments DDiagram of box for Proper Labeling TTemplates for common shipments AAdministrative & Network Features SSaved Values UUser Options RRegulations through Dangerous Goods Advisor PPrint Labels RRegs Auto-Updated at least (4) times per year! JJust to name a few… Features include:
Upon entering your material, quantity and packaging, the system will verify that the package is correct against the regulations that were selected. Correct Your Errors & Repeat This error registered from the packing level instructions highlighted in Yellow versus the actual regulations highlighted in blue. 10 For organizations that restrict shipments greater than the regulatory agencies, Labelmaster does offer: CUSTOM VALIDATION to comply with company policy for specific materials!
View the variations of specific carriers or states.
Access the regulations based on the mode of travel instantly! The yellow highlighted area is current mode of travel. Select the blue links to access the DGA. If you have purchased the Regs, access the full publication instantly and online! Note: Regulations are automatically updated at least four (4) times per year!
To view proper labeling of the package, simply select the graphic from either the: Add Material Screen (current screen) Print Screen Also available in DGIS Docs This is only a representation and guidline for what is needed on the package
Add an Address Simple fill in the blank Allows for International Addresses Search, Edit and Delete Manage your books with easy navigation Masterform allows you to store Addresses and or create labels for packaging using the standard Avery labels! To select an address or add:
Templates help increase the processing speed of common shipments and can be saved during the creation of the paper process. Options include saving: Full Shipment Templates Information templates without material Product only templates Once you have saved your templates, you can easily manage them from the left side navigation.
Access to the History pages are available throughout the site. Once printed documents are moved to the history page and saved for audits or reviews. Documents cannot be altered once printed and saved. History not available in Pay-Per-Shipment option.
Reduce risks of fines and costs of delayed shipments Standardize company policy and procedures Increase efficiencies and speed of shipments Support for internal audits Manage users and ensure compliance with training Instant access to all necessary information Decrease cost of shipping dangerous goods Increases your bottom line! Just to name a few… This tutorial was designed to highlight many of the features of Labelmaster’s Software. Some benefits our customers have experienced include:
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