LentiKat´s a.s.
Content Company: History, Specialisation, Business Orientation Lentikats Biotechnology and Lentikats Biocatalyst Benefits of Lentikats Biotechnology Our Partners References Contacts 2
LentiKat´s a.s. Our Vision Our Mission To implement the ecological Lentikats Biotechnology on a global level. Our Mission To optimise production processes and create revolutionary and ecological production technologies that reduce the investment and operational costs.
LentiKat´s a.s. The LentiKat‘s corporation was established in 2006 with the aim of commercializing Lentikats Biotechnology on a global level. The LentiKat‘s corporation follows up on a nine year old tradition of research and development of Lentikats Biotechnology. Our production know-how for commercial use of our Biocatalyst and for its industrial applications is patented internationally.
Our interests production, implementation and supply of Lentikats Biocatalyst, research and development of new applications, consultations upon delivery of new production processes implementing Lentikats Biocatalyst. We are fully prepared to cooperate with you in a joint effort to increase the efficiency of your production processes, optimize your old systems or create entirely new production processes that will save investment and operational costs while implementing a more environmentally friendly technology. Biotechnologies are changing the world …
Lentikats Biocatalyst Production Lentikats Biocatalyst Application Lentikats Lentikats Biocatalyst & Biotechnology (our product) (application process) Lentikats Biocatalyst Production Lentikats Biocatalyst Application
What is a Lentikats Biocatalyst? Unique shape of the matrix and the original principle of immobilisation enable the encapsulation of free enzymes or microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, fungi) in a stable porous PVA (polyvinylalcohol) carrier. The carrier advantages are: Excellent physical-mechanical characteristics that provide for long-term mechanical stability Low biodegradability Zero toxicity Lentikats Biocatalyst enables easy separation of enzymes and microorganisms from the surrounding media and therefore it can be reused multiple times. Biotechnologies are changing the world…
Lentikats Biocatalyst production
Lentikats Biocatalyst Production plant in Stráž pod Ralskem
Lentikats Biocatalyst Advantages of using PVA as a matrix for encapsulation: inexpensive, non-toxic polymerization under optimal conditions, cell conservation enables creation of hydrogels with excellent mechanical properties no side effects in processes large capacity for cell building easily supervised processes stable processes easy separation from ambient media
How does Lentikats Biocatalyst function? Due to its maximum surface and at the same time minimum volume of the Lentikats Biocatalyst, the diffusion limitations associated with the transport of the substrate into the lens and the product out of the lens are significantly reduced. 11
Reduced volume of reactors What are the advantages of Lentikats Biotechnology over traditional technologies 1) Higher biomass concentration Reduced volume of reactors Reaction rate Investment costs saving Biomass concentration 100 € 100 € 100 € 100 € Operational costs saving (electricity, heat, etc.) Higher yields
What are the advantages of Lentikats Biotechnology over traditional technologies 100 € 100 € 2) Easy separation from bulk media 100 € 100 € Operational costs saving Repeatable use of Biocatalyst 1 – medium inlet, 2 – medium outlet, 3 – Lentikats biocatalyst fill inlet, 4 – Lentikats biocatalyst discharge, 5 – sieve separator, 6 – medium with Lentikats biocatalyst, 7 – separated medium Lower production of waste and by-products 3) Robustness towards environmental shocks profound change of pH level higher concentration of toxic compounds Applicability under extreme or stress conditions
Lentikats Biotechnology finds its application in following fields wastewater treatment – removal of nitrogen and hardly degradable organic compounds distilleries – production of bioethanol pharmaceutics – production of robust biocatalysts food industry – whey processing, production of special sugars carbohydrates and syrups Biotechnologies are changing the world… 14
What do we produce? Lentikats Biocatalyst with PGA activity for 6-APA hydrolysis Lentikats Biocatalyst with PGA activity for 7-ADCK hydrolysis Lentikats Biocatalyst for nitrification of wastewater Lentikats Biocatalyst for denitrification of wastewater Lentikats Biocatalyst for hydrolysis of disaccharides and the production of special sugars, syrups or delactosed milk Lentikats Biocatalyst for molasses fermentation, fermentation of sugar juice or starch raw material Biotechnologies are changing the world…
Our partners in the field of industrial applications Centroprojekt a.s., Štefánikova 167, 760 30 Zlín, Czech Republic www.centroprojekt.cz ASIO s.r.o., Tuřanka 1, 627 00 Brno, Czech Republic www.asio.cz Fermenta Biotech, DIL Complex, Ghodbunder Road, Thane (West) - 400 610, Maharashtra, India www.fermentabiotech.com RUDOS Ružomberok, s.r.o., Štiavnička 190, P. O. Box 112, 034 50 Ružomberok, Slovakia www.rudos.sk geniaLab®, BioTechnologie-Produkte und Dienstleistungen Gmbh Büchnerstraße 7, 38118 Braunschweig, Germany www.genialab.com VUCHZ, a.s., Křižíkova 70, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic www.vuchz.cz
Our partners in the field of research and development ICT Prague, Department of Fermentation Chemistry and Bioengineering, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic www.vscht.cz Microbiological Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Praha 4, Krč, Czech Republic www.biomed.cas.cz STU Bratislava, Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology, Institute of Biotechnology and Food Industry, Radlinského 9, 81237 Bratislava, Slovakia www.stuba.sk TUL Liberec, Studentská 2, 461 17 Liberec, Czech Republic www.tul.cz CHEMCOMEX Praha, a.s., Pražská 810/16, 102 21 Praha 10, Czech Republic www.chemcomex.cz Fermenta Biotech, DIL Complex, Ghodbunder Road, Thane (West) - 400 610, Maharashtra, India www.fermentabiotech.com University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně, Faculty of Environment, Hoření 13, 400 96 Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic www.ujep.cz
Our references and experience Retrofit of 3 existing municipal wastewater treatment plants (1000 PE, 4000 PE, 40000 PE) Pilot continual unit for nitrification and denitrification of industrial wastewater (rendering plant, meat-packing, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry) (Chemopetrol a.s., ASAP, Biotica Inc. etc.) Pilot semicontinual unit for nitrification and denitrification WWTP Svitavy and WWTP Česká Lípa Production and supplies of Lentikats Biocatalyst with PGA activity for the production of antibiotics Pilot operation unit of ethanol production from molasses, starch milk, maize, wheat (Bioferm Kolín, distillery Krnov atd.) 18
Contacts Company headquarters: Production plant and laboratories: LentiKat´s a.s. Evropská 423/178 160 00 Prague 6 Czech Republic Tel.: + 420 224 362 461 Fax: + 420 224 362 463 E-mail: info@lentikats.eu Production plant and laboratories: Pod Vinicí 83 471 27 Stráž pod Ralskem Tel.: + 420 487 851 393 Fax: + 420 487 851 399 E-mail: info@lentikats.eu