NOUN 1.Uncountable Noun Thing is classed as uncountable noun if it is not able to be counted by A or An (sebuah, seekor, seorang). It is judged as singular. e.g.water -airsugar -gula air -udararice -nasi ash -debusmoke -asap money -uang These noun can only be count by : Little-Sedikit e.g. Little sugar Some-Sejumlah, beberap e.g. Some water Much-Banyak e.g. Much money Example : - I need some water (saya butuh sejumlah air) - She doesn’t have much money (dia tidak punya banyak uang) - This coffee must be added little sugar more (kopi ini harus ditambahkan sedikit gula lagi)
2. Countable Noun Thing is classed countable noun if it is able to be counted by A or An, that is expressed by : - A is used in front of a consonant sound word e.g. A book-sebuah buku A computer-sebuah komputer A unit-sebuat unit - An is used in front of a vowel sound word e.g. An apple-sebuah apel An hour-satu jam An uncle-seorang paman
THE COMPOSITE OF ADJECTIVE AND NOUN In English, adjective is placed before (in front of) noun. If in a sentence has more than one adjective, so the last adjective is translated to the most beginning regularly till the noun. If there is a word “very (sangat)”, it must be placed before adjective. And if there is an article “a or an”, it must be placed before the word “very” or before adjective if there is no the word “very”. Example: - New house - New big house - Very beautiful big house - A very beautiful big house - A beautiful big house
The Formula : To be + Past Participle (V3) e.g. - dikerjakan- to be + done (do – did – done) - terangkat- to be + lifted (lift – lifted – lifted) If there is an object (pelaku), it must use BY (oleh) in front of the object. e.g. - Rumahku didesain oleh kakakku - Berbagai terminal terhubung pada kantor PASSIVE VOICE (di- / ter-)