Synthesis and characterization of photosensitizers to be used in photodynamic therapy
Contacts Department of Chemistry, Phisics and Environment, University of Udine Dr. Clara Comuzzi, Via del Cotonificio Udine Tel: /8874; Fax:
The team Dr. Clara Comuzzi Photosesitizers synthesis and PDT/PACT therapy expert. Dr. Silvia Cavalli Nanomaterial synhesis and engineering expert. Dr. Sabina Susmel Electrochemical sensors/biosensors development expert. Ing. Dr. Daniele Goi Environmental sanitary engineering expert. Dr. Giada Rossi Water sanitary treatment expert.
Photodynamic therapy: mechanisms of action
Photosensitzer (active principle) Fe 2 O 3 Tumoral cells, Gram+ and Gram- bacteria, S. Aureus methicillin- resistant (MRSA) Applications
Biocidal global market Turnover 2008 : 7 bilion dollars (Source: BCC research) Annual growth rate : 10% Leading sector: treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacteria infections Market profile
The pain Emerging infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacterial strains. An example has been the “Shiga toxin-producing E. coli” recently isolated in Germany. Sanitization demand of surfaces, water, food,...
The product Active principle, based on a “switch on/off” mechanism due to light radiation. Patent applied for but not yet granted: PCT/IB2011/
Competition factors Innovative disinfection technique: It doesn't induce resistance. The photosensitizer is dispersed in water without its solubilization. Side effects are decreased thanks to the on/off mechanisms of the active principle. There is no corrosion damage on metal surfaces.