Outline Brief overview of US Health Care system. Why you need health insurance Who is providing your health insurance What does your insurance pay for Where should I go to receive health care Services offered at UHCS How to find health care services if you cannot go to UHCS List of terms
The United States Health Care system is expensive $$$$$$$$ No universal coverage or national health care. When you receive medical care you will be expected to pay for it.
How much does it cost?? $40,000 $150,000+++
You need Health Insurance in the United States
Purpose Health insurance is provided by a private company. You pay the insurance company and if you need health care they will pay part of your cost. You policy tells you what they will pay for.
When will I get coverage? Coverage begins 01/01/2015
Insurance Card Companion Life Insurance Company Student Accident & Sickness Insurance Plan University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Policy # CLSP Name: Test TestGroup # WI53190 ID # RX Group #: klaisco Effective Date: 1/1/2015BIN # : RX ID: GL Rx Retail: $15Generic/$30 Preferred/$50 Non Preferrred Always carry this card with you and make a copy!!!
Does Not Cover Dental Care Eye exams
Where should I go?
UHCS When non-emergency care is needed available
Make an appointment ONLINE
Make an appointment at UHCS Call:
Make an appointment at UHCS Stop in
Health & Counseling Center Hours Monday – Friday 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM
All UW-Whitewater students are able to receive services at UHCS
EMERGENCY- Dial 911 Unable to breathe Cannot control bleeding Severe Allergic reaction Severe chest pain Loss of consciousness
Local Hospital Emergency Room: Fort HealthCare (8 miles) 611 Sherman Ave. Fort Atkinson, WI (24 hour number)
Where should I go if UHCS is closed?
When in doubt Go to the Emergency Room
Always use a Preferred Provider!! Carry your insurance card!! It will be less expensive
How to find a preferred provider. ONLINE: mn.com/ mn.com/
Local Urgent Care Clinics Whitewater – Mercy Care 5pm-9pm, Monday - Friday; 9am-2pm Saturday 507 W Main Fort Atkinson – Fort HealthCare M-F 5PM-11PM, Sat-Sun Noon- 11PM 611 Sherman Ave E
How do I get there? Call Brown Cab: (920) Hours: Academic year - 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sun-Wed. Thurs., Fri & Sat. 7:00 a.m. to Midnight. Call for taxi You will have to pay at time of service Call a friend who has a car
Insurance Website
If you need to submit for medical expenses Always carry your insurance card!
You can complete the form online and submit it electronically
List of Terms Clinic-A place where people go to get medical help Co-pay- A set amount you pay for health services. Dispensary – Located in the clinic. Provides a limited number of medications or supplies. Emergency- An illness, symptom or condition so serious or dangerous that it calls for immediate action. In Network- The facilities, healthcare providers your health insurance has a contract with to provide medical care. Insurance claim-Paperwork to fill out and send to the insurance company for them to pay you back for medical costs. Insured- A person covered by insurance.
Non-preferred provider- A healthcare provider that does not have an agreement with your health insurance company. It will cost you more to receive services. Out of Pocket-Your expenses for medical care that are not paid for by the insurance company. Out Patient- Health care received outside a hospital Pharmacy-A store or part of a store where drugs and medicines are prepared and sold. Policy-The agreement you have with the insurance company that tells you what they will pay for. Preferred Provider-A group of health care providers that have an agreement with your insurance company to provide reduced cost.
Prescription-An order, for a specific person, written by a health care provider that officially tells someone to use a medicine or treatment. Prescription Drug – Medicine or drug that a health care provider officially tells some one to use. Preventative Care-Health care that includes routine check ups and counseling to prevent illness or disease. Provider – An individual who coordinates or helps a patient access a range of health care.