Selfarma Company was founded in Konya in Our company renewing itself every year has reached today’s business volume by proceeding with confidence. Selfarma has succeeded its name to be perceived as a well known company within the market throughout Turkey and still continues to provide services to its customers by offering products and product related opportunities. In addition to our head office located in Konya, we have a branch office in Manisa. Thus, we serve active marketing of frozen bull semen, veterinary equipment and animal health vaccines through this network. We establish face to face communication with final consumers by reaching them in many regions of Turkey. We also provide our services throughout Turkey by establishing an effective dealership system in far regions.
Selfarma was acting as a dealer of the company named Süpergenetik engaged in the production of frozen semen in Turkey. However, Selfarma has provided a significant achievement by acquiring Süpergenetik in 2001.In this way, Selfarma has become one of the few companies in supporting Turkey’s domestic production. Selfarma included its name to its product sales portfolio as both imported as well as domestic producers of semen.
Selfarma is acting as a distributor company in Turkey for German company named Minitube producing artificial insemination and semen production equipment and German company named Albert Kerbl manufacturing veterinary farm equipment, an American company named Sundown Industries manufacturing cow magnets for ruminants, an Indian company named Inox India manufacturing semen storage and warehousing containers and nitrogen storage containers and tanks. In addition, Selfarma is also acting as a dealer of animal health vaccines produced by Dollvet and vaccines produced abroad by Ceva, Hipra and Pfizer.
Our brand name of Süpergenetik engaged in producing semen production is dealing with the domestic production of semen and also importing semen from German company CRV, BayernGenetik, Italian company Superbrown, Czech Republic company Plemo.
Our brand name of Süpergenetik has been marketing its products to the service of Turkish livestock sector through Selfarma. Forthis purpose, we have been using our own active marketing facilities and effective dealership network. SüperGenetik currently imports and sells semens of more than Holstein, and Simmental in a year. Our brand name has been one of the leading companies in Turkey, considering the sales of semen, vaccines and medical supplies to the dealers and final consumers.
Selfarma and Süpergenetik are currently being active and leading companies in the market. In order to maintain and develop this activities we give great importance to the required advertising, publicity and promotion works and participate to the well known domestic livestock fairs, maintain continuous cooperation with the foreign companies we represent them as a distributor in Turkey.
From time to time, we organize seminars for veterinarians and farmers in different regions of Turkey, by cooperating with academicians and experts of the veterinary faculties, being in a continuous relationship with the related experts of these veterinary faculties. In addition to these activities, we also take some specific customers to the livestock fairs and technical trips arranged in abroad.
We are also giving more emphasis on improving the efficiency of all personnel of the company by training them continuously. For this purpose, we constantly provide development of our personnel by working together with the companies we represent them as their distributor company in Turkey.
The frozen bull semen market is included in the field of activity of our company and this market has begun to emerge in the near past as a young structure. Our company is involved in this sector initially and the sector has managed to achieve a further improvement in a short time.
At this point, the total number of bovine animals in Turkey in 2013 are pieces and pieces of this are consisting of the milking animals.
In the 2013, pieces of domestic frozen bull semen was produced by private sector, pieces by the state and as total pieces, respectively Holstein, Simmental and Brown Swiss.
pieces of frozen bull semen were imported from many countries in 2013, respectively Holstein, Simmental,Brown Swiss and Beef Breeds.
There are 33 companies currently in Turkey which received the permission to import semen. 60% of these companies are actively operating their activities.
The livestock in Turkey is mainly developed in the west. The Central Anatolia has caught a rising trends within the last five years as a result of the big enterprises established. In recent years, depending on the end of terrorism in the Eastern Anatolia and with the support of the state the livestock is developing rapidly. Selfarma is located at the center of Turkey as a geographical location and is closer to the Eastern Anatolia than west and therefore, Selferma is more powerful from the western based companies due to its professional active marketing network.