Introduction: Company Message General Policy of Our Company Vision Company structure Objectives Quality Company Products Product Features India Plast Factory Finally
India Plast Company is one of the leading companies in the United Arab Emirates for delivering innovative plastic solutions of high-value, where our company is currently focusing mainly on the production of plastic food containers, which is produced by injection technique because of our conviction of the importance of this type of packaging these days. Manufacturing is being done by the best raw materials that are subject to quality tests and standards that equally with their global counterparts, if not surpass them.
To contribute to the industrial progress, through the manufacture of specialized healthy plastic products in order to achieve the aspirations of customers.
Complete respect for international standards and industry assets. Obtaining certificates of test centers and other accredited establishments.
Providing the highest levels of service to our customers. Ensuring products quality through continuous control over the production and continuous tests through our quality department before being handed over to the client. Focusing on after-sales service.
Excel in quality and price are the main points of manufacturing and marketing to achieve the forefront position.
Our company focused on attracting different experiences to work in it to achieve its targeted objectives to be one of the leading companies. The company was constructed administratively with the latest modern business management techniques, and its team works as an integrated team with the following main departments: Public administration * production management sales management * public relations department the accounting department and warehouses.
Achieving complete customer satisfaction through the equation achievement of high quality with good price. Maintaining clients’ confidence in our products through rapid quest to develop production methods and quality. Price Quality
Delivering our products to as much as possible of consumers inside UAE and over seas. Gaining access to the largest number of Arab countries and the global.
The management of India Plast Company is determined to adhere to the policy of quality, and keep continuous work to develop that policy through: Continuous improvement of its products Obtaining certification tests from worldwide centers and Accredited organization. Ensure product quality through continuous production control and quality testing in our QC Department before being handed over to the client
Plastic containers made from polyethylene material suitable for food storing. Plastic bottle caps manufactured from the finest materials to ensure tight closure.
The main feature of India Plast products is that they are produced according to the harshest conditions of healthy control through: Perfectly healthy and filtered inflatable air Automatic production with no intervention of man’s hand EconomicProductive Pressure-resistantHigh efficiency Long lifespanHigh flexibility No effects under many of acids Indivisibility to produce toxic or taste or smell High resistance to fractureCompetitive prices Caps tight closure with superior quality Attractive designs contribute to selling your products
We allocated a large area for our factory to provide the goodwill of work, and we provided it with the latest machinery in this domain with international standard specifications.
Our company believes that the client is a true partner in the development process, and the improvement of the product so we don’t find it embarrassing to listen to any point of view and taking into consideration any opinion.
New industrial Area - Ajman - UAE Tel: Fax : P.O.Box: Ajman UAE - Website: