MOROCCO TOURISM 2020 ETHRAA Group Strictly Private & Confidential


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Presentation transcript:

MOROCCO TOURISM 2020 ETHRAA Group Strictly Private & Confidential Presentation May 2010

Minister of Tourism & Handicraft Kingdom of Morocco Submitted to: H.E. Yassir Zenagui Minister of Tourism & Handicraft Kingdom of Morocco Disclaimer This presentation document contains information which is proprietary to Ethraa; and is (and is intended to remain) confidential, being provided for the exclusive use of the intended addressee and may be legally privileged.  If you have reason to believe  you are not the intended addressee(s); disclosing, copying, disseminating or otherwise taking any action in connection with this document or the information in; it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have reason to believe you have accessed this document in error, please notify Ethraa, comply with the foregoing warning and delete this document from your system. This document shall not constitute binding legal obligation with the company..



STATISTICS Main Economic Indicators Total Population: 34,343,220 Gross Domestic Production: 88,682 USD Millions GDP per Capita: 2,805 USD Foreign direct investment: more than 4 billion USD (+ 24.6%) Inflation rate: 2% Unemployment rate: 9.7% Growth by main sectors in 2007 compared to 2006: Agriculture: -21.2% Manufacturing industry: + 4.5% Tourism: + 5.8% Financial services and insurances: +14.9% Construction: + 9.8% Telecommunications: + 10.7% Hotels and restaurants: + 5.3% Transportation: + 4.8% Mining (Phosphate exports): +4.6% Crude oil consumption: + 2.8% Electricity consumption: + 7% STATISTICS

GOV. OF MOROCCO National Initiative for Human Development 2005 Medical Cover 29,000,000 Uncovered GOV. OF MOROCCO Media Landscape 2004 Tourism 2010 10,000,000 Tourists Human Rights 1993 Housing 5,000,000 In-Slums Labour Code 2004 Family Code 2003

MOROCCAN TOURISM In Marrakesh 2001, Agreements for Framework and Implementation were signed between the Moroccan Government and the General confederation of Moroccan Enterprises The 2010 Strategy had elaborated a contract program during 2001-2010 period, entitled "Tourism: a vision, a challenge, a will“ This meant to deploy all resources, programs and investments to reach a target of 10 million Tourists by the year 2010 By 2009, Morocco hit 153,000 beds, 16,000,000 hotel nights and 7,000,000 tourists . Tourism contribution to GDP increased by 5.4%

INITIATIVE 2010 2010 Vision & Future 2010 Strategy What is Missing? To Treble Capacity of Accommodation Modern Market Partnerships INITIATIVE 2010 To Train 70,000 Professionals To Generally Improve Quality To Treble Transport Seats To Restructure Organs of the State 2010 Strategy Product Marketing Organization Training Environment Air Transport What is Missing? Social /Communal Integration Soft & Physical Infrastructure FDI Indentifies & Motivations

AHEAD & BRAINSTORMING Examples.. Strategy 2010 Strategy 2020 Audit Vision & Strategy Int’l Conferences and Events Investments Incentive Scheme For Foreign & Local Assets & Infrastructure Policies, Programs and Projects Human Resources Educational & Vocational Network Organization Restructure Hierarchy & Network In Parallel; Launch & Conduct Interdepartmental Workshops

VISION & STRATEGY Examples.. Strategy 2020 Resources & Infrastructure Finance & Investment Modeling Economic Trends & Orientations Critics & Audit of Strategy 2010 International Conference on Morocco Tourism 2020 In Parallel; Issue White Book on Facts & Achievements of 2010

INVESTMENTS Examples.. Strategy 2020 Innovation, Improvement & Expansion INVESTMENTS National Symposium on Tourism Investment Comprehensive Modeling Plans Statuary & Incentive Framework Economic & Investment Proposition In Parallel; Launch & Develop Some Exciting Tourism Projects

ASSETS & INFRASTRUCTURE Examples.. Moroccan Transport Improve & Develop Transit Systems Euro-Africa /North-South Connectivity ASSETS & INFRASTRUCTURE Transit Modeling & Urban Hubs Moroccan Hospitality Tourism and Social Business Rural, Youth & Long-Stay Tourism Real Estate Innovative Modeling Moroccan Welcoming Abroad Tourism Preparedness Multilingual Interface & Facilities Diverse, New & Multiplied Entry Ports In Parallel; Launch Statistical Survey on Tourism

HUMAN RESOURCES Examples.. Academic Professional Vocational Curriculum on Global Tourism Data Cultivation & Research Centers HUMAN RESOURCES Exchange & International Programs Professional Managers Development Programs Advanced Management Training Programs Professional Accreditation Training Programs Vocational Federation of Moroccan Tourism Institutes (MTIs) On the Job Training Program Craftsmanship Revitalization Scheme In Parallel; Launch National Poll on Tourism Industry

Geographic Developments Tangier Company Casablanca Company Fes Company Geographic Developments Agadir Company MArrakesh Company Laayoune Company Dakhla Company

Consortium Formation SPVs for Companies on Government of Morocco Caisse Centrale de Garantie Tourism Development Holding Company TDHC Qatar Investment Authority QIA Private Investors PI/SWFs Agadir Chamber CCIS Investment Bank HSBC SPVs for Companies on Geographic Developments Ministry of Tourism & Crafts Consortium Formation

Our Approach Enterprising.. Examples.. Initiations Implementation KYC & Due Diligence Initiations Implementation Formation Operations Development of Master Plan Investment Modeling Delivery of Products Close out & Exit Integrated Operations Control Center Sustainability & CSR Monitoring Investment & Management Consortiums Commercials & Concessions SPVs Our Approach Examples.. Company A Company B Company Company D Company E

Our Service Deliverables.. Activities.. Scope, Deliverables & Products Definitions Governance, Due-Diligence & Quality Framework Our Service CSR & Sustainability Implementation Plans Activities.. Planning & Development Advisory Conferences Planning & Management Surveys & Data Cultivation Project & Development Management Consortiums Formation & Management

Our Numerations Framework.. Breakdown.. Contracted Deliverables Contracted Scope of Work Contracted Terms of Payment Breakdown.. Strategic & Tactical Support Special Purpose Advisor MOT Companies & Consortiums Formation Special Purpose Advisor TDHC Concessions & Events Management Special Purpose Manager SPVs Development & Projects Management Development Manager SPVs

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