By: Rebecca and Yeon
A BOUT H&M H&M stands for Hennes and Mauritz It is a Swedish retail-clothing company Has over 2,300 stores in 41 countries In 2011, employed around 87,000 people Established in 1947, by Erling Persson in Sweden.
W HAT DOES H&M PRODUCE ? Nail polish and Make-up Shoes Cushions Jewelry Women’s clothing collection Men’s clothing collection collection Kids clothing collection, including products for babies.
H ISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF H&M In the beginning, it only sold woman’s clothing, thus it was called Hennes (Swedish for hers).
H ISTORICAL D EVELOPMENT OF H&M The first advert of Hennes
H ISTORICAL D EVELOPMENT OF H&M However in 168, due to Mauritz Widforss’ influence it changed to H&M, a unisex shop.
T HE HEAD OFFICE H&M, Storholmsgatan, Stockholm, Sweden
P RODUCTION S ITE H&M buys their goods from 700 independent suppliers, rather than produce from a factory.
G LOBAL E XPANSION Their website, globalizes their product, with capable access from people all over the world. In addition, their website has various languages, which is another form of representing globalization. They also advertise their products through various technology; television and computers.
S UCCESS ? Their focus is towards the younger generation. However, they sell various objects, such as jewelry, make up, cushions, and of course, clothing; including, the kids, women’s, and men’s clothing collection. Therefore, this could attract more people.