Congress of Vienna September 1814 to June 9, 1815 Led by Austrian Prince Klemens von Metternich Quadruple Alliance to make all decisions –Great Britain –Russia –Austria –Prussia Talleyrand gains support for France Metternich Talleyrand
France’s Penalty Allowed to keep lands based on 1792 map Occupied by another army for 5 years Pay 700 million Francs Decided to strengthen the nations around France –United Low Countries –Give land to Prussia to guard against French advances Created a BALANCE of POWER –no nation too strong to attack others
Power Play for Poland Russia wants Poland recreated so they can take it Prussia agrees in exchange for Saxony Great Britain and Austria will not stand for it –sign secret alliance with France France gains diplomatic power All calm down and compromise –Russia gets a small Poland –Prussia gets some of Saxony
Congress System The powers of Europe agree to meet again when needed Nations coming together to resolve issues 1818 Congress of Aix La Chapelle –end military occupation of France 1820 Congress of Troppau –agree to support monarchies against revolution –Troppau Protocal
The Holy Alliance Prussia, Russia and Austria –Other Europeans join later except? 1820 some monarchies forced by revolutionaries to accept liberal changes Agreed to intervene to stop any revolutionary movements “Troppau Protocol” –stop changes in Spain and the Two Sicilies
German Confederation Formed out of C. o. V. 38 German States loosely united –Dominated by Austria…in the beginning Carlsbad Decrees 1819 –Agreed to rid all subversive ideas in newspapers –Permanent spies
Liberalism and Socialism
Liberalism Liberty, Representative government –but not everyone gets to vote Equality before the law Individual Freedoms Becomes a middle to upper middle class movement Hated by Metternich and conservatives –Wanted to maintain the old ways –Liberals just stirred up the lower classes and started bloodshed and suffering
Laissez Faire Economics Proposed by Adam Smith Government should stay out of the way of business Free Market Economy “invisible hand” –regulates the market –supply v. demand –Everyone gains income Adam Smith
Nationalism “National Idea” –belief that unique groups should have their own autonomy Share a common language, history, culture, etc. Idea takes off after French Rev. and Napoleon Facts: –Elite shared values, language, etc., poor did NOT –Many areas inhabited by many differing groups –Often created division not unity
How to create a nation. Get a million or so people together Tell them there all the same Create a standardized national language Create national symbols, holidays, ceremonies “We” v. “They”
Utopian Socialism Begins in France Felt “Laissez Faire” was failing society, needed government intervention Henri de Saint Simon –“parasites” v. “doers” –organized society for the good of all Charles Fourer –Mathematical Self sufficient communities of 1,620 people –women’s total freedom and equality –End marriage / free love for all Louis Blanc –government backed factories –guaranteed full employment Pierre Proudhon –Property is theft
Karl Marx and The Communist Manifesto German philosopher, writer, etc. Considered the father of Communism Middle class and working class are opposed –Bourgeoisie v. Proletariat All history is the history of class struggles Proletariat will violently overthrow the Bourgeoisie
Marx Economic Theory Profit is just wages stolen from workers Workers are oppressed in factories Middle class tries to stop creation of unions History is a synthesis of theory and anti- theory