Tenses The Present Simple Tense The Future Simple Tense The Past Simple Tense
The Present Simple Tense (I, We, You, They) V…. ( He, She, It,) Vs, es …. (I, You, We, They) do not V …. (He, She, It,) does not V …. Do ( I, You, We, They) V …. ? Does ( He, She, It, ) V ….. ?
Раскрой скобки в настоящем времени I ( to go ) to the library every day. He usually (to swim) in the river in summer. She often (to visit ) her Granny. We (to watch) TV in the evening from time to time. They ( to play) computer games every week. You (to read) books every day. It (to begin) at 3 p.m. every day.
Проверь себя! I go to the library every day. He usually swims in the river in summer. She often visits her Granny. We watch TV in the evening from time to time. They play computer games every week. You read books every day. It begins at 3 p.m. every day.
Запиши полученные предложения в отрицательном и вопросительном виде.
The Future Simple Tense (I, We) shall V …. (You, He, She, It, They) will V …. (I, We) shall not V …. (You, He, She, It, They) will not V …. Shall ( I, We) V …. ? Will (You, He, She, It, They) V ….. ?
Раскрой скобки в будущем времени I ( to go ) to the library tomorrow. He (to swim) in the river in summer. She (to visit ) her Granny on Monday. We (to watch) TV in the evening. They ( to play) computer games next week.
Проверь себя! I shall go to the library tomorrow. He will swim in the river in summer. She will visit her Granny on Monday. We shall watch TV in the evening. They will play computer games next week.
Запиши полученные предложения в отрицательном и вопросительном виде.
The Past Simple Tense (I, We, You, He, She, It, They) V 2 …. (I, We, You, He, She, It, They) did not V …. Did ( I, We, You, He, She, It, They) V ….. ?
Раскрой скобки в прошедшем времени I ( to go ) to the library yesterday. He (to swim) in the river last summer. She (to visit ) her Granny two weeks ago. Yesterday we (to watch) TV in the evening. They ( to play) computer games last week.
Проверь себя! I went to the library yesterday. He swam in the river last summer. She visited her Granny two weeks ago. Yesterday we watched TV in the evening. They played computer games last week.
Тест на знание материала. Составь предложение из данных слов во всех изученных временах, запиши полученные предложения в отрицательной и утвердительной формах: Children, to go, to school. Не забудь сдать тетрадь на проверку!
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