“I don’t teach second grade…I teach children.” Thoughts and techniques to help teachers work with ESL students.
Let’s see how it feels. How did you feel? What were your frustrations? What would have made it easier?
Let’s think about it…. You have just finished teaching your students about families. You ask them to draw a picture of their family and label each family member.
Did you … Think about single-parent families? Step parents and siblings? Children in foster families? Unaccompanied minors? Children in group homes?
Best intentions…. You are trying to talk to a young Asian student because you see that he needs help. He keeps lowering his head and looking at his feet, anywhere but at you. You know he is just not paying attention to you because he does know some English. Finally, you get frustrated and tell him to look you in the eye, that you are talking to him. He still refuses.
Let’s see what ESL is all about…
What can we do to help the students in our classes?
Other resources Your ESL teacher The ESL specialist The Office of Refugee and Immigration Services Texts Institute
Keep in mind… He prayed – it wasn’t my religion He ate – it wasn’t what I ate He spoke – it wasn’t my language He dressed – it wasn’t what I wore He took my hand – it wasn’t the color of mine But when he laughed – it was how I laughed, And when he cried – it was how I cried Amy Maddox age 16 Teaching Tolerance Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center