Why YOU the people should celebrate Sacagawea Day!!!!!!!!!!!
1 She was very helpful to Lewis and Clark.
2 Lewis and Clark couldn’t have gone on the expedition without her.
3 We think Sacagawea should have a holiday because she was on the expedition with Lewis and Clark too.
4 But we think it’s not fair that Lewis and Clark are remembered more than Sacagawea. I mean she was there too!! She helped guide them!!! She provided food for them by digging roots and knowing what was edible and what wasn’t. She also acted as a translator with other tribes and negotiated horses for transportation.
5 If it wasn’t for Sacagawea Lewis and Clark won’t have gotten so far.
6 It was all thanks to Sacagawea for helping Lewis and Clark!! She helped build them a shelter She found food for them She also help them in many other ways
7 She discovered the trail to Pacific Ocean with Lewis and Clark.
Quick Facts about Sacagawea She was a Shoshone Indian Went on the expedition and found the trail to the Pacific Ocean. Has her own coin Was captured at age ten Here’s a helpful website (scroll down and you’ll find info on Sacagawea) and link to find out morewebsitelink
What we would do to celebrate SACAGAWEA DAY!!!!!! Spend the the whole day dedicated to Sacagewea by having a day off school, and spend it outdoors. It would ALL be dedicated to SACAGAWEA!!! Lewis and Clark couldn’t have done it without her!!
By: Ann and Ashlynn Starring: Ann, Ashlynn, Ruben, and Jacob Pictures By: Ann, Ashlynn, Ruben, and Jacob Pictures Starring: Ann, Ashlynn, Ruben, and Jacob
By :Ann Cole and Ashlynn Mitchell Starring Ann Cole, Ashlynn Mitchell, Jacob Lugenbell, and Ruben Raemirez
That’s why YOU the people should celebrate Sacagawea day!!!!!!!