A Walk Through Jobs A Steve Jobs Presentation By: Anatolii Davydenko
Contents Page Page 3: Who is he? Page 4-6: What did he do? Page 7: Why did he do it? Page 8-10: His Apple, Our World Page 11: Our Jobs
Steve Jobs: Who is he? To me he is a lot of things, a few pleasant, and some unpleasant. But to the world he is a positive influence upon it, an inventor, an innovator, a inspiration and a generation. Most believe without him, the world would be a bland flavor of computing in this world. He was a long-haired counterculture technophile who dropped out of college and started a computer company in his parents' garage on April Fools' Day, He had no formal technical training and no real business experience.-Advertising Age- Though it’s true that he had no technical training and business experience, he did have a dream and a goal, to revolutionize the world of technology so it would be “simpler” for the average user.
Steve Jobs: What did he do? Part 1 He is the man that battled PC while fighting P.C’s for control of the world’s computing opinion. He is a man that introduced the world’s “first” user friendly touch interface for phones. He is also the one who revolutionized music’s portability by saying, “Hey how about we use memory instead of C.D’s?” and introduced the Ipod, which I believe is his finest product of all. He also introduced the world’s “first” simply designed tablet, the Ipad. Although Apple wasn’t the only place which shared in this “radical” way of thinking, it was by far one of his most defined companies by the world’s standard.
Steve Jobs: What did he do? Part 2 Some other companies he was part of where the modern day Pixar and NeXT Computer. And even as he was booted from Apple as its founder and came back as its CEO or as Jobs joked about it, its iCEO. Even though Steve started Apple, he did not and this can’t be stressed enough, DID NOT, invent the first Apple computer. He simply “presented” the Apple I to Ronald Wayne in 1976 and Ronald encouraged the idea of having Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs be founders of their own company. His work in NeXT computers brought about the invention of the MacOS X, iTunes, Apple Store and many more Apple interfaces when NeXT was bought out by Apple.
Steve Jobs: What did he do? Part 3 Jobs’ position in The Graphics Group, better know today as Pixar, brought about its fame from the movie “Toy Story”. This this made the partnership between Pixar and Disney a solid paced, movie producing relationship until 2004 when the partnership ended, but by then Pixar already established and released five other movies. These movies “A Bug’s Life”, “Monster’s Inc.” “Toy Story 2”, “Finding Nemo” and “The Incredibles” brought way to many more such as “WALL-E”, “UP” and the Academy Awarded “Toy Story 3”.
Steve Jobs: Why did he do it? Jobs strived for perfection for the world of technology. He wanted his products to be the future of all slick and stylish design, so they would set trends to come and not be part of the past ones or to renew old ones. Jobs summed up his ideals in the Macworld Conference and Expo in January 2007, by quoting ice hockey player Wayne Gretzky. -There's an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I love. 'I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.' And we've always tried to do that at Apple. Since the very beginning. And we always will.- (1977) Forbes Jobs prided him self on quality, not quantity. And because of Jobs persona of a “egomaniac”, he instilled fear in stock marketers and hope in users.
His Apple, Our World There are many products by which Jobs called his own and few which he would call “The Next Best Thing” Although Wozniak was the one who invented the first Apple computer, it was Jobs that continued design of future Apple products after Apple III. -Apple II was Apple’s first major success. It was the first computer to come in a plastic case, which helped the personal computer progress from hobbyist obsession to consumer product. The computer brought IT power into small and medium businesses, and its success drove Jobs’ belief that design could help bridge the gap between computers and ordinary people.- And as Jobs changed, so did Apple and its meaning as demonstrated in the picture to the right, displaying the history of Apple’s logo.
His Apple, Our World Jobs revolutionized the world of music with the program iTunes, the software allows users to organize their digital music collection; paired with the iTunes Store. iTunes now sells millions of tracks a day, yielding billions in revenue. Even though people don’t physically own the music, they still enjoy the ability to stream the license. The iPod revolutionized the world of portable music and music listening. The almost infinite holding space of the iPod lets the average music listener store up to 100,000 songs.
His Apple, Our World The iPhone struck the telecommunications world like a lightning bolt. It wasn't the first phone with a touch screen, but it was the first that felt intuitive and fun. For the first time a phone boasted software and hardware that were perfectly in sync as described by Apple, even though it uses the Android OS design now an days and constantly goes through “innovations” every year releasing a new iPhone with brand new graphics and processing power. The iPad made mobile computing easy and accessible --and brought publishers of print media clamoring to make tablet editions. It wasn’t the first tablet on the scene, but it was the first without a stylus or a keyboard: By the end of 2010 it had 75 percent of the tablet computer market share.
Our Jobs Jobs accomplishments are recognized by the ADGA because of the beautiful commercials he has made to advertise his Apple products such as the New World MacBook Air commercial to show how thin and light the product is. They also appeal to his design of iTunes and the Mac OS X as it revolutionized music streaming and browsing using a system other than Windows or Linux, a system which was artist and user friendly. The next iItem in line is the would either be the iTV, which is currently in design or the next model of iPhone. My personal preference would be a new iPod with a lighter display but still holds the original classic design and memory.
Resources Works Cited "Ad Age Agency News." Advertising Age Agency News RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec "Advertising Age." Advertising Age News RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec "Creativity Online." RDF 1. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec "Steve Jobs' Most Important Products." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 16 Dec "Steve Jobs: Revelations from a Tech Giant." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, n.d. Web. 16 Dec "Steve Jobs." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Dec Web. 16 Dec