Selena Alfonso Kevin Clipton Period 4 3/22/11
Two positively perceived personality traits are 1) Decisive – He quickly decided to ask the person on the ground where he was. 2) Risk Taker - He dared to travel in a hot air balloon without really knowing how to control it. Two negatively perceived personality traits are 1) Tough – He replied to the person on the ground in a way that wasn’t so friendly. 2) Insensitive - He didn’t care about the feelings of the person on the ground because he told him that what he said was no use to anyone.
Two positively perceived personality traits are 1) Friendly - He was trying to be friendly, but it wasn’t the right time because the balloonist wasn’t in the mood. 2) Confident – He was confident that the balloonist wasn’t going to get really mad at him because he was being a little silly. Two negatively perceived personality traits are 1) A Talker - He gave information that the balloon driver didn’t need at all. 2) Undisciplined – He wasn’t showing good behavior because the balloonist calmly asked him something and he didn’t give the right answer to such an easy question.
Always going Nuts for Another’s well being Life, being stubborn You Take action Indecisively moralistic Creating serious problems Against yourself and others Life seriously
Always on My own Independent And Being open to Life and Energetic
Extremely happy Xtra confident Persuasive Really chill Energetic Super friendly Smiling all the time Intelligent Very ambitious Enthusiastic
Always Moving In All directions Because I like to live Life different and Explore
I am analytical, I observe and analyze those in need in order to help out and to be put in good use in many situations that I may encounter later. I can adapt to other’s work style behavior because helping is what analyticals do such as me to help.
I am Amiable and working in a group was good because I’m always slow. What I learned from working in a group is that you have to put your part to accomplish what you have to do. In the end I learned that helping each other is better than just doing stuff by your own.
My work styles are expressive, amiable, and driver. Working with the whole group was a very interesting experience. It was interesting because I got to work with two Amiables and one analytical and a half. I got to interact and adapt with the other people with different work styles to get the job done. This project will help benefit me in the future when working in a group.
Having the knowledge about work-style descriptions does help us a lot on avoiding enemies. I have learned that even if we are dealing with a person whose dominant work- style doesn’t get along with our work-style, we can have a descent conversation. I’ve learned how to work better with people with other styles. Now I can somewhat tell what’s the work-style of friends/family and that helps me find out how to treat each of them. I do believe that this will help me when I have a job.