CA 2012 ELD Standards Appendix B Learning About How English Works Session 4 Today we will be reading Appendix B to learn about Part II of the CA ELD Standards, Learning about how English works ESC North 11/19/14
ELD Transition Sessions Session 1: ELD Standards Introduction Shifts, Layout, & Development Session 2: Proficiency Levels Session 3: Appendix C Theory that Informs Layout Session 4: Appendix B Learning About How English Works Slide 3: (1 minute) Why/purpose: make the participants aware that this is the third of the four sessions. How: Give participants a few seconds to read over the slide to see flow of the four sessions
Phase-In Plan for 2012 ELD Standards 2014-2015 Transition 2015-2016 Implementation
Objective Develop an understanding of Appendix B: CA ELD Standards Part II: Learning About How English Works Read objective.
District Instructional Priorities Common Core (The What) Master Plan (The Who) This visual shows how our district’s three initiatives are woven together in our work in servicing our English Learners. The Common Core State Standards signify “What” we teach, while the Master Plan signifies “Who” we teach (English Learners), and The Teaching and Learning Framework speaks to “How” we teach in LAUSD. TGDC Teaching & Learning Framework (The How)
The arrows point to the highlighted focus elements that apply to the work we will engage in today *
Guiding Principles English Learners (ELs) are held to the same high expectations of learning established for all students. ELs develop full receptive and productive proficiencies in English in the domains of listening, speaking, reading & writing. ELs are taught challenging academic content that enables them to meet performance standards in all content areas. ELs receive instruction that builds on their previous education and cognitive abilities and that reflects their language proficiency levels. ELs are evaluated with appropriate and valid assessments that are aligned to state and local standards and that take into account the language development stages & cultural backgrounds of the students. The academic success of ELs is a responsibility shared by all educators, the family and the community. During this presentation the focus is on guiding principles 3 and 4. English Learner Master Plan, 2012 Pages 2-3 *
What must students be able to do with language? ELA MATH SCIENCE Comprehend and evaluate complex texts across a range of types and disciplines Construct effective arguments and convey intricate or multifaceted information Discern a speaker’s key points Request clarification and ask relevant questions Build on others’ ideas Articulate their own ideas, and confirm they have been understood Understand and use stated assumptions, definitions, and previously established results in constructing arguments Make conjectures and build a logical progression of statements to explore the truth of their conjectures Justify their conclusions, communicate them to others, and respond to the arguments of others Construct explanations and designated solutions Engaging in argument from evidence Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information CA ELD Standards AMPLIFY the CCSS for ELA/Literacy (1 minute) Remind participants that the CA ELD Standards highlight and amplify the language demands found in the Common Core State Standards so that students develop both English and content knowledge. The CA ELD Standards guide teachers in building ELs’ knowledge about how the English language works in different contexts to achieve specific communicative purposes.
2012 CA ELD Standards Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways Part II: Learning About How English Works In todays meeting we will be learning about Part II: Learning How English Works Part III: Foundational Skills
The Autobiography of Malcolm X “I became increasingly frustrated at not being able to express what I wanted to convey in letters that I wrote,... In the street, I had been the most articulate hustler out there - I commanded attention when I said something. But now, trying to write simple English, I not only wasn’t articulate, I wasn't even functional…” Have a participant read quote aloud In today’s CA ELD Standards session we are going to be Learning About How English Works. We will be reading about the language processes that are needed when speaking and writing in formal Academic English.
Have participants locate Appendix B in their ELD Standards Books
What are the language skills students need in order to be fluent in Academic English? Setting the purpose for video The purpose for watching this video is to identify the language skills students need in order to be fluent in Academic English.
SERP: Strategic Education Research Partnership Academic Language and its Connection to Catalyzing Comprehension Through Discussion and Debate Discusses importance of Part II: Learning about how English Works Setting the stage for reading Appendix B SERP: Strategic Education Research Partnership
What are the language skills students need in order to be fluent in Academic English? (5 Min. ) Video Debrief: Ask participants to discuss the question with a partner/table talk Ask participants to share out Possible responses: Students need to know how to use complex sentences, connect ideas, organize ideas in discourse in specific ways and know academic vocabulary Let participants know that as they read their assigned sections, they will be reading about the language processes students need to know in order to understand how English Works.
Whole Text Sentence Level (Clauses, phrases, nominalization) Part II of the CA ELD Standards provides guidance to teachers on intentionally and strategically addressing the language demands in the CCSS and in the text used for instruction. They provide guidance to teachers in supporting EL students in ways that are appropriate to grade level and English language proficiency. Part II focuses primarily on academic registers of English because of their prominence in CCSS for ELA and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects and their importance for college and career readiness. Let participants know that as they read their assigned section of Appendix B they will be reading about the Language Processes students need to know in order to understand how English works. (“Constellation of language skills” as Paola calls them!)
Appendix B Learning About How English Works Read page 1, first 2 paragraphs What connections did you make to Paola’s explanation of academic English? Share Out Interpretive Mode Have participants read first two paragraphs of Appendix B. Have a brief discussion about what was read Possible share outs: Academic English is the language used in school to help students develop content knowledge, skills… The language students are expected to use to convey their understanding and mastery… Academic English encompasses ways of structuring clauses, sentences,… Let participants know that they will be reading more about the language resources, skills, students need in order to achieve academic English proficiency
Appendix B Learning About How English Works Number off from 1 – 4 Read your assigned section Highlight key phrases and or statements Have participants number off from 1-4 Read directions Click to the next slide for reading sections
Reading Sections Text Level Understanding Pages 6 – 9 Skim p. 8 Sentence and Clause Level Understanding Page 9 – 12 Phrase Level Understandings Page 13 – 14 Word Level Understandings Pages 14 -15 (7 minutes) Read information on slide. Highlight that group 1 will skim page 8
Appendix B Learning About How English Works Read your assigned section Highlight key phrases and or statements Interpretive Mode Read directions Click for image to appear and connect to CA ELD Standards, Part 1, Interpretive Mode – (Reading Closely Informational Text)
Group Work Form Experts Groups 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s Analyze phrases/statements (4-5 minutes) Read slide Click for animation and connect to Part 1, Collaborative and Interpretive Modes (Collaboratively: exchanging information and ideas with others and negotiating with others in communicative exchanges. Interpretive: Listening actively to spoken English in academic context) Collaborative and Interpretive Modes
Summary Create a Summary Share Out What are the salient points of your reading Share Out 5 minutes to create a summary on chart paper 5 minutes to share out Connect to Part 1, Productive Mode, expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics Have participant use the information they highlighted in order to create a summary about the section they read. Possible Share Out: Text Structure Students need to be aware of how different text types are structured so that they can comprehend when reading and or be able to meet writing expectations (story vs argument structure) Students need to understand how writers and speakers make their texts cohesive Cohesion – created by referring back or forward in the text to people, ideas, or things using pronouns or synonyms or linking chunks of text with text connectives Students need to have a range of language resources to convey meaning Sentence and Clause Level Understandings Students must be able to understand how sentences are constructed in particular ways in order to convey meaning in different contents Academic text in different disciplines vary. General academic and domain specific vocabulary, complex sentences that connect subordinating conjunctions, expanded noun phrase, longer stretches of discourse that are tightly organized CA ELD standards allow teachers to focus on critical linguistic features of academic English Deconstructing complex sentences to highlight linguistic features (focus on the sentence and clause structure) Phrase Level Understandings Students learn to add more detail by using expanded noun phrases, adjectives, embedded clauses, and prepositional phrases Deconstruct text to identify language pieces Word Level Understandings Nominalization – language resource used in academic text to help achieve density and makes text cohesive Types of nominalization: verb transformed to noun/noun phrase (ex. Chart on pg.14) Collapsing clauses into a noun/noun phrases (creates cohesion in text and contributes to lexical density) Collaborative Productive
Whole Text Sentence Level (Clauses, phrases, nominalization) Making connections to reading of Appendix B. Share with participants that the reading they completed aligns to the structure and organization of Part II of the CA ELD Standards i.e. Group 1s reading aligns to Section A, Structuring Cohesive Text Groups 2-4 reading aligns to Sections B & C, Expanding and Enriching Ideas and Connecting and Condensing Ideas
Sentences, Clauses, & Phrases (Grammatical Structures) Academic English Before Now Sentences, Clauses, & Phrases (Grammatical Structures) Text Structures Vocabulary Academic English is beyond a list of vocabulary words taught out of context. Students need to be taught text and grammatical structures, so that they can make informed choices about how to use language appropriately, based on discipline, topic, purpose, audience, and task when producing oral and written texts.
Academic Writing Page 8 All Students are expected to write in this manner…linked sentences, cohesive text, proper text structure… Deconstruction of all academic linguistic resources mentioned in Appendix B lead to students comprehending texts and meeting written and oral expectations
Reflection How will I begin to plan lessons that develop the understanding of academic English for my ELs? Group discussion Call on two or three participants to share out
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY “I do it” Focus Lesson “We do it” Guided Instruction “You do it together” Collaborative “You do it alone” Independent Doug Fisher talks about high quality instruction, how a teacher should be using academic language, language of the discipline, and model the learning that needs to take place. In Appendix C we read about how teachers can successfully “apprentice” their students into engaging in more academic ways of interacting with one another, using language of the specific content, acquiring the language of academic discourse, and developing content knowledge. Appendix B focused on the importance of explicitly teaching students about how English works so that they in turn use language appropriately, based on discipline, topic, purpose, audience, and task, when producing oral and written text. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY A Structure for Instruction that Works Doug Fisher
“As students learn more about the patterns of English grammar in different communicative contexts…, they can develop more complex understandings of English grammar and usage. Students can use this understanding to make more purposeful and effective choices in their writing and speaking and more accurate and rich interpretations in their reading and listening.” Appendix B, page 4 Reflect on this quote! What are the implications for instruction, PD at the school site…