Passive Voice Voz Passiva
Voz Ativa Sujeito + verbo + objeto I played football yesterday. She bought a book.
Voz Passiva Independe de quem fez Sujeito + verbo to be + verbo principal no particípio passado He wrote a book. A book was written (by him).
Voz Passiva Simple Present Washes – is washed Simple Past Washed – was washed Simple Future Will wash – will be washed
Voz Passiva Present Continuous Is washing – is being washed Past Continuous Was washing – was being washed Immediate Future Is going to wash – is going to be washed
Voz Passiva Present Perfect Has washed – has been washed Past Perfect Had washed – had been washed
Voz Passiva Three cats was rescued. The reports were handed in. The blue car was crashed into. The poem was learned. The book has been forgotten. The DVD recorder has not been repaired.