Verbo To Be
Am I You We They He She It Are IS
Interrogativas Verbo To be You are / were playing football. Are / Were you playing football? Auxiliares – do/does (Presente) She plays the piano very well. Does she play the piano very well? Auxiliares – did (Passado) She played the piano very well. Did she play the piano very well?
Presente I You We They He She It Work Works
Diagram of Frequency 100% 0% Always Often Rarely Never Usually Frequently Sometimes Seldom
Presente Contínuo
+ to be + Working Presente Contínuo I am working now. Presente do verbo to be + verbo + ing I am You are He is She is It is We are They are + to be + Working I am working now.
You are not wearing He is walking You are not doing You are sitting They are not eating
Passado I You He, She, It We They Worked / drove (Regular) (Irregular)
Usos Ações definidas no passado com expressões que indicam passado (yesterday, ago, last night, etc) Jack swan in the gym last night. Kate saw a ghost two months ago.
Passado Contínuo
+ passado do To Be + Working / driving Passado Contínuo Passado do verbo to be + verbo + ing I You He, She, It We They + passado do To Be + Working / driving I was working yesterday.
Usos Ação que estava acontecendo no passado They were talking with me yesterday. Ação que estava acontecendo e começou outra She was playing guitar when the bell rang.
met was shopping was walking began was working hurted was staying went did forgot were living was was working saw was talking went
Futuro Simples Afirmativa – will + verbo no infinitivo sem o “to” I will sing next week. It will rain next week.
Futuro Contínuo Will + be + verbo + ing At this time next week, I will be travelling to Paris. Dizer que algo estará em andamento em um certo instante no futuro I will be living in London next year.
Futuro com “going to” Verbo to be + going to + verbo no infinitivo sem “to” (geralmente com advérbio de tempo) I am going to watch a movie tomorrow. Expressar intenções, planos ou decisões She is going to eat pasta.
Presente Perfeito
Presente Perfeito Have / has + 3ª coluna They have seen a blue bird. Ação indefinita no passado We have finished our homework. Com since (= desde) e for (= há, faz) She has lived in London since 1983.
Passado vs. Presente Perfeito Passado – especifica o tempo Paul lost his keys yesterday. Presente Perfeito – não especifíca o tempo Paul has lost his keys.
Present Perfect vs. Simple Past Peter _______ football yesterday. The girls _______________ their lunch yet. Last year we ______ to Italy. _____ you _____ the game of chess? played have not eaten went Have won
Passado Perfeito
Passado Perfeito Had + 3ª coluna After I had finished lunch, I watched TV. Ação que ocorreu no passado antes de outra ação também no passado He didn’t go to the cinema because he had already seen the movie.
had spent wanted had phoned left turned on had washed arrived had started
Adjetivos e Pronomes Possessivos
Adjetivos Possessivos
Adjetivos Demonstrativos
Pronomes Relativos e Reflexivos
Pronomes Relativos
Pronomes Relativos Who = quem – usado antes de verbo e pessoa The lady who left the room is my cousin. Whom = quem – usado apenas antes de pessoa The lady whom I talked to is my cousin.
Pronomes Relativos Which = que, o (a) qual – usado quando o antecedente for coisa The bakery which is on the corner is very cheap. That = que – usado quando o antecedente for pessoa ou coisa Whose = cujo (a) – usado quando o antecedente for pessoa ou coisa, indicando posse Jane is the woman whose car he crashed into.
Pronomes Relativos Where = onde – indica lugar The factory where I work is far from here. When = quando - indica tempo Is there a time when we can meet? Why = por que – indica razão The reason why I’m crying is to invite you to the party.
who which whose whose who
Pronomes Reflexivos
Usos Pronome Reflexivo – após o verbo da oração, concordando com o sujeito She combs herself before living. Pronome Recíproco – each other e one another John and Mary love each other.
himself herself ourselves yourself myself himself
Graus dos Adjetivos
Graus dos Adjetivos
Graus dos Adjetivos Comparativo de Igualdade Positivo As cold as = tão frio quanto Winter is as cold as Autumn. Comparativo de Inferioridade Less cold than = menos frio que Autumn is less cold than Winter.
Graus dos Adjetivos
Graus dos Adjetivos Comparativo de Superioridade Palavras Pequenas – er Tall – taller I’m taller than you. Palavras Grandes – more ... than Careful – more careful than An adult is more careful than a child.
Graus dos Adjetivos
Graus dos Adjetivos Superlativo de Inferioridade The least cold = o menos frio Summer is the least cold season.
Graus dos Adjetivos
Graus dos Adjetivos Superlativo de Superioridade Palavras Grandes – the ... est Tall – the tallest I’m the tallest person in the class. Palavras Pequenas – the most Careful – the most careful Snakes are the most careful animal on Earth.
as fast as not as tall as not as low as as bad as as optimistic as not as windy as
Graus dos Adjetivos Irregulares
nicer older most difficult most interesting better more boring
Verbos Modais
Resumo Can, could, be able to, may, might permissão, possibilidade Should, ought to conselho Must, have to obrigação, dever Would rather preferência Be supposed to expectativa Used to/be used to hábito passado/presente
Can / Could She Can/could/be able to/may/might play the piano. You should/ought to/had better study more. You must stop at a stop sign. I would rather stay home than go to the party. Classes are supposed to begin at 7:00. She used to/is used to spend her holidays at the seaside.
Fala Reportada
Fala Reportada Mudanças Verbais
Fala Reportada Mudanças Temporais
Fala Reportada Fala Direta Sam: I am going to buy a bike tomorrow. Fala Reportada Sam said that he was going to buy a bike the following day.
Caso Genitivo
Genitive Case Indicar posse Regra geral acrescentar ’s aos substantivos que não terminam em s. Jane’s flat is big. Se terminar em s, acrescenta-se apenas ’ (apóstrofe). The birds’ wings.
Genitive Case Peter’s Smiths’ Children’s John’s Susan Steve’s Men’s
Infinitivo vs. Gerundio
Infinitivo Forma normal do verbo Utilizado com ou sem to Após adjetivos, advérbios e substantivos It’s easy to play the piano.
Gerundio Forma ing do verbo Após preposições (IMPORTANTE) I’m afraid of falling down.
Infinitivo / Gerundio to answer to get seeing visiting
In In – lugar como uma ÁREA I've been teaching at a college in london. In – DENTRO de algo ou algum lugar The bread is in the oven.
In He's in the kitchen. There is a shark in the water! It was written in the newspaper. Chile is a country in South America.
On On – lugar como uma SUPERFÍCIE I sat down on the sofa. On – GRUDADO ou ENCOSTADO em algo The man is on the tree.
On The book is on the table. There is a mirror on the wall. There is a stain on his shirt. He likes riding on his horse.
At At – lugar como um PONTO She waited at the bus stop for twenty minutes. At – refere-se a POSIÇÃO ou LOCALIZAÇÃO I’m at Hogwarts.
At He is at the restaurant. They met at a party. He is sitting at the corner. He was standing at the window.
Voz Passiva
Voz Passiva Simple Present Washes – is washed Simple Past Washed – was washed Simple Future Will wash – will be washed Present Continuous Is washing – is being washed Past Continuous Was washing – was being washed Immediate Future Is going to wash – is going to be washed
Voz Passiva Present Perfect Has washed – has been washed Past Perfect Had washed – had been washed
Voz Passiva Voz Ativa – Sujeito + verbo + objeto She bought a book. Voz Passiva – Sujeito + verbo to be + verbo no particípio passado A book was bought (by she).
Voz Passiva Three cats was rescued. The reports were handed in. The blue car was crashed into. The poem was learned. The book has been forgotten. The DVD recorder has not been repaired.