Industry Foundation Classes – IFC Kaj A. Jørgensen Aalborg University, Department of Production
Building Model Lifecycle Model Data Exchange STEP and IFC The IFC Data Model IFC and Applications IFC Model Servers
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 3 Object-Oriented Building Models Bygningsmodellers anvendelse i den totale livscyklus
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 4 Object-Oriented Building Models Bygningsmodellens anvendelse i bygningens livscyklus Bygningsmodellering Anvendelse af modeller af bygningsobjekter Udvikling/anvendelse af produktmodeller Analyser og simuleringer Visualiseringer, Analyser af statiske, termiske og akustiske forhold Produktionsstyring Indkøb, leverandørstyring, logistik Økonomistyring, kalkulationer, budgetter, omkostninger, mv. Drift og vedligeholdelse Håndtering af ændringer
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 5 Object-Oriented Building Models Use of Standards - STEP and IFC ISO STEP (ISO 10303) STandard for Exchange of Product model data International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) Industrial Foundation Classes (IFC) partly based on STEP oriented towards the building sector Standardised technical platform Implementation and use of STEP and IFC A very important development in the SW industry has been carried out Building models can be exchanged based on IFC Focus: on cooperation, integration, and interoperability
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 6 Object-Oriented Building Models Industrial Foundation Classes (IFC) Standardised format for product data exchange Object-oriented data model for representation of building models Generalised representation – large variety of models Building components and structures Actors and resources Activities Data model elements developed during iterative process IFC is oriented towards representation of physical entities The data model is developed from the analytical approach Models on higher abstraction levels are not represented Parameterisation and versioning are not represented
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 7 Object-Oriented Building Models Industrial Foundation Classes
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 8 Object-Oriented Building Models
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 9 Object-Oriented Building Models
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 10 Object-Oriented Building Models
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 11 Object-Oriented Building Models
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 12 Object-Oriented Building Models IFC – Relatively Physical and Analytic Oriented IFC Physical Logical Abstraction level AnalyticSynthetic Modelling approach
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 13 Object-Oriented Building Models IFC From a Metadata Point of View IFC does not claim to be a metamodel proposal IFC is a conceptual model Express language, graphical and verbal IFC integrates separate models of building components, operations, activities, actors, etc. Classification has resulted in a hierarchy of concepts Entity types Relationship types The IFC model has a substantial amount of semantic data The validity of the model is well proven
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 14 Object-Oriented Building Models
Aalborg UniversityDepartment of Production Kaj A. JørgensenPage 15 Object-Oriented Building Models Selected references My own papers pdf eports/ReportDraft.pdf ellingForConstruction.pdf IAI – International Alliance for Interoperability BLIS Project
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