The Nativity By Elivia
Joseph, who was a very poor man, was a carpenter. He wanted a divorce because his wife, Mary, was having a baby,although this wasn’t bad news he was 100%sure that the baby wasn’t his child.He dreaded telling her that he wanted a divorce because he loved her dearly however he was sure that she didn’t love him anymore. Although cheating wasn’t the case, Mary did love him and she didn’t cheat on him. I possibly couldn’t tell Mary! Tell me what?
Later that night, an angel appeared to tell him the pleasant news of what had happened really.” Greetings, Joseph. I am not here to hurt you! I am Gabriel and I am her to bring pleasant news! Your dear wife, Mary, has not cheated on you my dear. She has been blessed with a child of god. He will be named Jesus and you will love him. Goodbye!” The angel flew away. Joseph jumped up stunned by all he had seen.” I must go and see Mary!” I must go and see Mary! I am angel Gabriel: and I bring great news!
“Mary! I am sorry, why didn’t you tell me you are going to have a baby?” Joseph said suddenly. Mary looked shocked as he spluttered out more things the angel said. “ I didn’t know that I was having a baby, Joseph but now I do this is amazing news!” Mary screamed and jumped up and down on the spot. 8 and a half months later. Mary why didn’t you tell me you were having a baby?
“ Come on Mary we must go quick so we can find you a place to stay” said Joseph.