The USA in 1956
International Conflits in 1956
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks was a seamstress. (She sewed and made clothes). Martin Luther King, who was only 26 at the time, coordinated the boycott and gave it immediate visibility to the whole world. Forty years after getting arrested, Rosa Parks was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor, by President Clinton Rosa Parks was 42 years old when she was arrested. Two months before, Claudette Colvin, a 15-year-old girl, had been arrested for the same reason. Rosa Parks was a secretary at the N.A.A.C.P.: when she decided not to give up her seat, she knew that black people were well prepared and ready to support her. Rosa Parks was released. The Federal Court declared that Alabama transportation segregation was unconstitutional several months later. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (N.A.A.C.P.) was founded in 1909. On 1st December 1955, Rosa Parks decided not to give up her seat to a white man on the bus When he saw that Rosa Parks wasn’t going to give up her seat, the bus driver called for the police. On December 5 1955, the bus boycott started in Montgomery, Alabama. After 11 months of black people’s refusing to take buses, the bus company was on the brink of bankruptcy.
Use information from Slide 4 to rewrite Rosa Parks’ story here Use information from Slide 4 to rewrite Rosa Parks’ story here. You choose the order in which to present the information. Rephrase the sentences and use link words when necessary.
The Montgomery Bus Boycott
1865 End of Civil War * Emancipation of all slaves 1896 Jim Crow “Separate but Equal” laws declared constitutional by Supreme Court (Plessy v. Ferguson) 1954 Supreme Court reverses Plessy v. Ferguson. “Separate but equal” declared inherently unequal. (Brown v. Board of Education) 1955-56 Bus Boycott in Montgomery; Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. become famous around the world. 1957 Little Rock, Arkansas, nine African-American students are denied access to Central High School. Eisenhower sends Federal troops to protect them. 1957 First Civil Rights Act – Voting rights The act has provisions making it easier for black people to register to vote. 1963 Martin Luther King delivers his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in front of 250,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D. C. 1964 Civil Rights Act (segregation in public places abolished, equal employment opportunity) 1965 All remaining voting barriers outlawed 1965 Malcolm X assassinated 1968 Martin Luther King assassinated
Rosa Parks and the Presidents Rosa Parks at the White House in 1996. President Obama in the bus in which Parks changed America, in April 2012.