UN-WPLA-Workshop ViennaGerald Fuxjäger Licensed Surveyor 1 The role of the licensed surveyor in the process of registration. Gerald Fuxjäger
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien 2 Gerald Fuxjäger born 1961 in Lienz TU Graz, master´s degree surveying and geoinformation 1988 –specialized in photogrammetry Civil Engineer for Surveying and Geoinformation = licensed surveyor 1995 CEO and part-owner ADP Rinner ZT GmbH juridical confirmed and certified expert President of the Chamber for Architects an Civil Engineers in Styria and Carinthia, since 2006
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien 3 1Education Master´s Degree in Surveying 3 years of practice, –thereof min. 1 year in land register projects, employed at a licensd surveyor Course and examination for Civil Engineers Authorization by ministry of economics Sworn statement / oath at the Governor Membership at chamber of architects and civil engineers
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien 4 2 quantity of licensed surveying more than projects per year more than 90 % of licensed surveyors –in an open market Customers –Governmental offices –Communities –Companies –private owners
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien 5 3offering phase Investigation at regional government GIS Consulting, contracting with costumer
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien 6 4.1Investigation phase at VA / BEV for –DKM –KDB fix points in ETRS and MGI coo. –Old plans
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien 7 4.2Investigation phase at Ministry of Justice Book of ownership Investigation at community for minimum area of parcels, width of roads, etc.
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien 8 5 preparing phase Transformation ETRS – MGI Transformation of old (local) plans Plan for the negotiation Fixing the date Invitation of all neighbours, ev. reinvestigation Preparing the protocol
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien field work Searching and remeasuring fix points Searching and remeasuring boarder points Boarder negotiation with all neighbours –consulting Fixing of old boarders (re-) marking of boarder points Declaration of approval of all neighbours
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien field work when parcels are divided: constructing and definition of new boarders fixing and marking of new boarder points measuring all old and new boarder points controlling writing the protocol
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien 11 7 assessment phase Geodetical calculation Making plan and area calculation Sending draft to costumer Finishing plan and area calculation Controlling, digital signing Submitting digital to VA / BEV Submitting analog to local community, ev. to forest and water office
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien final phase Getting (positive) administrative decisions from –VA / BEV, local community, ev. forest and water office Preparing final delivering, analog signing Delivering to costumer and / or notary –Plan –Area calculations –Protocol –Administrative decisions
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien 13 example
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien final phase Writing bill to costumer Paying administrative fees Archiving digital and analog
Geokolloquium GrazGerald Fuxjäger Grundlagenvermessung in Albanien 15 Thank you for your attention, Questions ? End