One of the four is wrong 1
One of the four is wrong 11
One of the four is wrong 12
One of the four is wrong 13
One of the four is wrong 14
One of the four is wrong 15
One of the four is wrong 16
One of the four is wrong 17
One of the four is wrong 18
Eins der Vier ist falsch 19
3 more 20
2 more 21
Last cliff 22
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Solutions 1 : NilgaiDorcas GazelleBush pig is wrong, because it is no Bovid WaterbuckBush pig 2:Prairie dogSeychelles giant tortoise Prairie dog is wrong, because it is no reptil Royal pythonUromastyx 3: EmuOstrichVicugna is wrong, because it is no bird Egyptian VultureVicugna 4: African PenguinHumboldt PenguinSmew is wrong, because it is no Penguin King PenguinSmew 5: Massai GiraffeSomali GiraffeOkapi is wrong, because it is a rainforest Giraffe Rothschild Giraffe Okapi 6:MuntiacBlackbuckBlackbuckBlackbuck is wrong, because it is no Deer Milu‘Chital 7: Rock HyraxRoanRock Hyrax is wrong, because it is no Bovid Red Forest Duiker Impala
8:OnagerWhite RinocerosChital is wrong, because it is no Perissodactyla South American Tapir Chital 9: African buffaloKaamaGiraffe is wrong, because it is no Bovid BongoGiraffe 10: Red PandaPolar bearWolverine is wrong, because it is no bear WolverineBrown bear 11: Arctic FoxOncillaArctic fox is wrong, because it is no cat LionLeopard 12: Bufo spec.Red-footed tortoiseBufo is wrong, because it is no Reptil PogonaCuvier‘s Dwarf Caiman 13:Steller‘s Sea EagleGolden EagleAndean Condoris wrong, because it is no Eagle Andean-CondorBald Eagle 14: OrangutanWestern Lowland GorillaHamadryas Baboon is wrong, because it is no ape Hamadryas BaboonChimpanzee 15:Snowy OwlEurasian Eagle-OwlBald Eagle is wrong, because it is no owl Spectacled OwlBald Eagle
16: Red-eared sliderGalapagos tortoise Red-eared sliderfox is wrong, because it is no Red-footed tortoiseDipsochleystortoise 17: African Wild AssKiangExmoor Pony is wrong, because it is no ass OnagerExmoor Pony 18: Bush pigWild boarCapybara is wrong, because it is no pig WarthogCapybara 19: Argentine TeguEastern Blue-tongued LizardNile crocodile is wrong, because it is no Lizard Nile crocodileChuckwalla 20: GundiMarmotCommon wombat is wrong, because it is no CapybaraCommon WombatRodent 21: Asian Elefant Rock HyraxRock Hyrax is wrong, because it has no Trunk Kirk‘s Dik-Dik South American Tapir 22: African Black Duck Greylag GooseGreylag Goose is wrong, because it is no Canard Northern ShovelerGreater Scaup
Need more informations? Zooschule Hannover Adenaueralle Hannover Tel.: 0511 / Fax: 0511 / photos by author edited 2010: E. Bastian