Paper ID: Paper title: Author: Networking 2013: OMM session
Author slide #1 Following the initial slide (mandatory, fixed format), authors are invited to use 1 or 2 extra slides for presenting their work. Author slides can use any format and colors. – We recommend embedding fonts when generating the PDF to avoid problems. The goal is to highlight the most interesting and captivating issues about each work to help the audience to decide which sessions to attend.
Author slide #2 Each paper will be briefly introduced by the OMM session chair using the information available in the first slide. – Authors should be waiting nearby to accelerate the process. After being introduced, each author must present the following 1 or 2 slides, trying to captivate the audience. – Remember that the time slot assigned for each paper is of exactly 60 seconds. – When the time is up, speakers must leave immediately to leave room for the next speaker.